
A coding interview sample

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Code Sample

This is a sample app for an interview and was a lot of fun to make. I was able to play with some fun patterns and test out some new technology. I had to learn a lot about typescript very quickly but over all building the project was a lot of fun.

Lately, I have been playing around with generators, iterators, and rx.js and exploring some observable patterns, and I saw this challenge as a great opportunity to put these skills to use!

I created a WS class that extends the base browser WebSocket class and gave it Symbol.asyncIterator property. This was heavily insprired by the excellent blog post you can read here

A quick note

I purposefully didn't ignore any built files, although I would have normally done this, since the app was so small, I figured it would be just as easy and harmless to include them.

To run

  1. ensure that websocketd is installed on your machine and that binaries are accessible via the command line websocketd command

  2. clone this repo and run npm install or yarn

  3. run npm start or yarn start in your terminal

  4. visit localhost:3000 in your browser

Final comments

While the project was fun, and I got to try my hand with typescript and some more obscure patterns, I didn't get the performance I wanted out of the demo. I would be curious to see an example where socket and rendering were all accomplished in under 1 second. Whether or not I aced the "exam" or delivered something the employer was looking for, it was a fun experience making this little app.

I'm happy I got to play around with the technologies in the way that I did. This was my first time playing with typescript and I can see the utility, however, it took more time than I initially anticipated to get it all compiling correctly. I would definitely need more exposure to form a solid opinion.

If I would have had more time, I would have also liked to have made some fancy UI animations and give it a more impressive visual feel, I spend 100% of the time on javascript and completely ignored styling.