
Colorado University of Boulder Data Science Team Exoplanets Dataset Analysis and Exploration

Primary LanguagePython


Colorado University of Boulder Data Science Team Exoplanets Dataset Analysis and Exploration ###Citations

  • Butler, Vogt, Laughlin et al. 2017, AJ, in print

  • KECK Data from here

  • ExoPlanet Data from here


  • numpy
  • matplotlib Install with
sudo pip install numpy matplotlib

KECK Data columns information

Julian Date Time the observation was taken

Column NameDescriptionUnits
Velocity The velocity of the observed celestial body at the given time, given in m/s m/s
Uncertainty How accurate the velocity is +/-, in m/s m/s
S Value description goes here, -1 means the measurement couldn't have been made units go here
H Alpha desc here, -1 means the measurement couldn't have been made unit here
MPPX Median Photons per Pixel when Observed photons/pixel
Exposure Time How long the observation took seconds

Example graph