See for the official documentation to the TruSTAR Python SDK.
To install, run
pip install trustar
If the package has been previously installed, upgrade to the latest version with
pip install --upgrade trustar
To uninstall, simply run
pip uninstall trustar
For a quick tutorial on using this package, follow the guide at
More examples can be found within this repository under trustar/examples
To setup this project for development, you must create a virtual environment and pip install the package in editable mode. This will also install any transitive requirements automatically.
Create a virtualenv using python 3:
virtualenv --no-site-packages -p python3 venv3
Activate the virtualenv:
source ./venv3/bin/activate
Install this package in editable mode:
pip install -e .
This package is compatible with both Python 2 and 3. Ensure that any changes made maintain this cross-compatibility.