
hacky task management

Primary LanguageGo

Vogon - todo.txt productivity with vim

This is a nifty Vim package and Go utility to easily manage a list of todo.txt compatible lines with markdown headings.


Tell me more

This project is the natural result of a few key things I've noticed:

  1. Planning and organizing is best for me when I can make fast edits.
  2. I edit with vim faster than anything else.
  3. I prefer to let formatters do the dirty work - and a lot of task management is dirty work.

Vogon leverages vim and a smart formatter to create a practical and effective project management system in my editor, which I can interact with like any other block of text.

The formatter shares a lot in common with a compiler - it reads the current state of the world, lexes, parses, crunches, and emits a result. It's also a lot like the classic model-view-controller architecture - embraced by Elm, React, and other TUI libraries like bubbletea. I think it's natural and satisfying to extend the core concept of a code formatter to a UI controller.

Vogon allows me to achieve a few things that I think are really great for productivity:

  1. Clear groupings, starting with the Inbox, where I can get things off my mind and into the machine quickly.
  2. Scheduling. Writing sched:<some date>, or even just s:t, to automatically move a task to the schedule or today's list. Tasks automatically move into the today list on their scheduled date.
  3. A complete home for next actions, in both Next and Someday lists.
  4. A Logbook, where I can refer to what I've accomplished.
  5. I can re-use my years of experience with vim to work smarter.
  6. Compatability with todo.txt (sort of) and its many tools.

It's not perfect. It has some rough edges, and it's only barely fast enough to be snappy - it typically runs in just under 30ms. But: It makes me highly effective, it makes me enjoy planning, and I can always hack on it. 🙂


You'll need go and vim.

git clone https://github.com/spencer-p/vogon ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vogon
cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vogon
go install .
# Make sure your PATH includes your go install path.
# Vogon is automatically enabled on any file named todo.txt.