
A module for Foundry VTT that allows users to keep track of downtime activities, quest progress and... Well, pretty much anything you can track with a loading bar and a %.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Does your group do a lot of downtime activities? Got a lot of factions? Need a simple quest log or timer? Do you have a hard time keeping track of... well... anything? Then this is the mod for you!

Tracking & Training is a module for the dnd5e system in Foundry VTT that adds a tab to all actor sheets (character and NPC) that lets you add and keep track of just about anything you can keep track of with a number and a progress bar. Finally working on that History proficiency? It's in here. Learning how to use thieves tools? In here. Need to keep track of how much of the town's water supply you've accidentally (I hope) poisoned? Quest progress! Countdown timers! Faction reputation! If you can measure it with a percentage, you can track it with this module.

How To Use

Check out the wiki for instructions, screenshots, sample macros, compatibility info, API documentation, and more!

Got Questions? Find a Bug?

Contact me on Discord (CRASH1115#2944) to chat, or create an issue right here on GitHub.

Attributions and Special Thanks

  • Thanks to platypus_pi for help with English translations
  • Thanks to KLO#1490 for Korean translations
  • Thanks to hmqgg#5775 for Chinese translations
  • Thanks to MS-PBS for Spanish translations
