A relatively simple 32 bit computer, built in Logisim
In /RSC you will find an assortment of files including:
The RSC microcode cheat sheet PDF.
Control PLDs text files -- indicating what inputs were used for each PLD. There might be some discrepancies between the simplified PLD expressions and non-simplified. When in doubt, check the internal wiring of each PLD to verify.
Source code files for the ram 1, 2, and 3 projects -- descriptions inline.
Compiled binary files for the latter.
A zip file of the RSC emulator where you can write, compile, execute, debug, and export your code.
In /Required you will find all of the required files that the RSC needs to be fully operational.
Open RSC.circ in logisim and it will prompt for the selection of the other files.
If this gets enough attention, I will build a tutorial for creating this from the ground up.
For reference only. Efficiency Reccomendations Welcome.