
Secrets automation for developers

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Your team's central source of truth for encrypted secrets and application configuration

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Features and Benefits

  • End-to-End encryption - Every secret is encrypted before a single byte ever leaves your device. Only you and your team control the encryption keys and who is able decrypt your secrets.
  • Eliminate secrets sprawl. When people leave or an incident happens, update secrets in one place and push it out everywhere.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) means users only see the secrets they need to see to do their jobs.
  • Built in multi tenancy. Teams can manage their own secrets and no one person has access to all the secrets unless you give them the permission.
  • Uses well known and well tested Elliptic Curve cryptography. No proprietary encryption mechanisms.
  • Our web interface manages encrypted key creation and distribution to make security the default for your projects.
  • The CLI tool brings secrets from the vault to you local environment, CICD pipelines, servers and more.
  • Hosted by us so you don't need to manage infrastructure, upgrades or support.
  • You have the option to deploy on your own servers using our docker images. Our containers are built in public from our Github CI/CD pipeline.
  • Permissive MIT licence and fully open client and server source code. This not only means that you can inspect our code, but that others have done so too.
  • Extensive audit trail that monitors access and usage.
  • Scales from Startup to Big Corp.


Cloak uses the Rust on Nails architecture for secure full stack web applications.