
Spencer's Tmux Tweaks

Primary LanguageShell

Build Status



Bash Version 4.2 (or higher)

[ $BASH_VERSINFO -ge 5 ] || { [ $BASH_VERSINFO -eq 4 ] && [ ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -ge 2 ]; } && 
echo $BASH_VERSION is OK. || echo $BASH_VERSION is too old.


The installer tries to install with your system's package manager.


The installer tries to install with your system's package manager.
Tmux before 1.9 will not understand a lot of options used in this plugin. It is highly recommended to use the most recent version of tmux available.

Install Methods

Install Script

The scripts/tmux-init.sh helper script has been tested to install (if missing) git and tmux, this repo, the Tmux Plugin Manager along with the awesome plugins Resurrect and Continuum -- successfully on Debian, Raspbian, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and CentOS 7. (You don't need the Git Clone step if you use the script.)

The installer attempts to ln -s $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tmux-tweaks/conf/tmux.conf. If there is a file there, it will just let you know and move on. If you *don't use Tmux Plugin Manager, see the Git Clone section -- otherwise see the TPM secion for more information.


wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spencerbutler/tmux-tweaks/master/scripts/tmux-init.sh | bash -s or
curl -so- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spencerbutler/tmux-tweaks/master/scripts/tmux-init.sh | bash -s


ftp -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spencerbutler/tmux-tweaks/master/scripts/tmux-init.sh | bash -s


fetch -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spencerbutler/tmux-tweaks/master/scripts/tmux-init.sh | bash -s


Tmux Plugin Manager
See User Config Options for more options.

set -g @plugin 'spencerbutler/tmux-tweaks'

Git Clone

git clone https://github.com/spencerbutler/tmux-tweaks.git $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tmux-tweaks

Update the end of your $HOME/.tmux.conf

run-shell -b $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tmux-tweaks/tmux-tweaks.tmux

User Config Options

conf/tmux.conf Available for reference.


set -g @plugin 'spencerbutler/tmux-tweaks'
set -g @tweaks_theme 'tmux-tweaks'
set -g @tweaks_theme_colours 'tmux-tweaks'
set -g @tweaks_theme_icons 'tmux-tweaks'

The first setting is for TPM.
The @tweaks_ settings follow the directory structure of tmux-tweaks.

You can set the @tweaks_ options to any value (minus the file extension) that exist in the directories.

Features experimental

Export Theme

prefix e will prompt you to name your theme.
prefix E will write your theme to $HOME/..tmux/tmux-tweaks/local/export/themes/THEME-NAME.theme
prefix C-e will load THEME-NAME (defaults to the name of the THEME-NAME you just created.)

Reset to Defaults

tmux set -g @tweaks_theme 'factory-settings' will reset all options and variables to their default states.



This project is in active development, so use with caution. Once it becomes stable, I'll keep a stable release and include updated information here. Feel free to open an issue if something needs fixing.

No License.