
Multi-function Discord bot

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


CirnoBot is a catch-all Discord bot that provides some interesting features through a variety of techniques like machine learning. Cirno's functionality is split across multiple files, each of which will be discussed. First, all commands Cirno will currently respond to are listed here.


Commands given to Cirno all start with either a name for the bot, or an exclamation mark. "N" will be used to denote a name for the bot in the list of commands to follow. The default names for Cirno are "@CirnoBot" and "Cirno" (all case insensitive). Text in <triangle brackets> is to be interpreted as something filled in depending on how the command should be executed. For example roll <dice> could be roll 2d6. Text in {braces} is optional, and is not required for the command to run. A pipe symbol, "|" denotes options to be chosen. For example, the command a {b|c} could be run as a, a b, or a c. Text in [square brackets] can be repeated any number of times. For example, a [b|c] could be executed as a b, a b b c b, etc..

N roll {<options>} <dice> {op <dice>} rolls a set of dice given. Look to the section on roll.go for a more in-depth look at the roll command.

N generate stand {<genre>} will generate a random stand, as inspired by the series "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". Specifying a genre will restrict the song pool used to choose the stand name.

!nineball|⑨ will return a standard 8-ball response.

!farage will return a random picture of Nigel Farage laughing.

ZA WARUDO will "freeze time" on the channel for 5 seconds, deleting all messages posted. It then reposts the messages after the time freeze.

N add name <new name> will make Cirno respond to the given new name (in addition to others). Names are channel-specific.

N reorder <option> {[<option>]} will reorder the list of words given using the Fisher-Yates shuffle.

N delete <number> deletes the previous given number of messages from the current channel. Delete can only delete messages that were sent during the current instance of CirnoBot.

N choose{<X>} <option> {[<option>]} will randomly choose an option from the list given. If X is specified, it will instead choose X options, with possibility of overlap.

N roulette {<X> {<Y>}} will play a game of Russian Roulette and report the results. If X is specified, the gun will have X bullets loaded. If Y is specified, the gun will have Y chambers.

N rank <url> will classify an image at the given URL according to the training sets. See the classify.go section for more information.

N, <message> will cause Cirno to respond to the given message using a Markov chain.

N say <message> will cause Cirno to reply with message.

N recommend anime <MAL username> will cause Cirno to reply with a list of the top 3 recommended anime for the given MyAnimeList user. See anime_recommend.go for more information.

N puush <file URL> {<destination filename>} will cause Cirno to upload the given file to puush, and returns a link to the puush'd file.

N research <topic> attempts to research a given topic by linking to a Wikipedia article about it.

N brexit {leave|remain} post a meme about the British Referendum. By specifying leave or remain, you can bias the meme to be about your preferred side.

!god|oh god|ohgod|oh my god will play a random sound from the Joseph Joestar "Oh my god" collection.

!no|oh no|ohno will play a random sound from the Joseph Joestar "Oh no" collection.




Todo. Note that the code for train.go has mysteriously gone missing, so instead the executable is bundled. Simply place this in the same directory as users.dat, and run it to generate a file r.dat. This will then be used for recommendations.








Credit for the sound goes to hammerandchisel's Airhorn Bot project, available on GitHub.


