#Intro to Lab

##General Lab Instructions These are general tips for all labs, more specific help is available elsewhere in this file.

Getting Started

####Ensure RSpec is installed correctly This lab uses RSpec to test your work as you proceed. In order for it to work rspec must be installed

This only needs to be done once:

$ gem install rspec

$ rspec -v

###How to Proceed with this Lab

  • Your work will be done in the lab folder

  • cd lab and run rspec to see which tests are broken

  • Make you changes (or add files if required) in the lab folder that you see fit to get the tests to pass

  • Do Not change the tests (specs), if a test is failing make changes to your code to make it pass!

  • If you get stuck, discuss the problem with your programming buddy, then ask an instructor

  • Once you complete the lab or do not which to proceed further. Commit your changes to your local git repository with

  • With some labs a solution may be provided for your reference in the solution folder. But please do not refer to this until you have exhausted all other means of solving the lab. On some assignments the instructor may choose not to provide the solution until after the labwork has been submitted