
Code Challenge 8 - Exploring jQuery Selectors & Methods

Primary LanguageCSS

tags language
jquery, selectors, methods
html, css, javascript

Code Challenge 8 - Exploring Selectors & Methods

This challenge asks that you work in teams to select buttons to add click events triggering ta variety of jquery methods on corresponding paragraphs and elements in the page.


  1. Fork this repository https://github.com:jongrover/challenge-8.git
  2. Clone your fork making a local copy.
  3. cd into folder ♥ cd challenge-8
  4. In the js/methods.js file lookup each method labeled in a comment for example you can lookup the usage for //hide at http://api.jquery.com/hide.
  5. Select each button from the index.html page that is labeled with an id number for example #b1 and use the click event method to write the code necessary to trigger the paragraph (in index.html) below the button to behave as the button is labeled for example #b1 should .hide() paragraph 1 #p1. The first example is filled in please repeat this for all remaining buttons and targeted elements. As a reference you can see a live code example here: http://jonathangrover.com/teaching/students/fe/challenge-8/index.html