
A Rails 7 template app built on good practices and clean code

Primary LanguageHTML

Rails 7 Boilerplate

A mildly opinionated starting point for rails projects based on good practices and clean code.


Built on...

  • Rails 7.1.2
  • Ruby 3.2.2
  • PostgreSQL 15
  • Hotwire
  • Tailwind (with Tailwind Forms)
  • Bun
  • Stimulus
  • Good Job (background queue)
  • Active Storage (S3)

Gems & Packages

With these pre-installed...


Fork the project and do a find and replace for boilerplate

rails db:create db:migrate db:seed


The default user will be seeded with the following credentials

Email: test@test.com Password: test1234test


Boilerplate uses the rails default of multi-environment encrypted credentials. Follow these steps to get set up.

  1. Delete config/credentials
  2. run rails credentials:edit --environment production (for each environment)
  3. Populate each config file with the following...1
secret_key_base: XXXX

  support_email: support@boilerplate.com
  noreply_email: noreply@boilerplate.com
  username: XXXX
  password: XXXX
  domain: XXXX
  address: XXXX
  port: 456

  access_key_id: ""
  secret_access_key: ""
  region: ""
  bucket: ""
  1. Replace values with your own credentials!


Here's what you get out of the box...

  • A nice home page
  • Responsive login and registration pages
  • A responsive authenticated Dashboard with navigation
  • UUIDs instead of incremental IDs
  • Default User model with validations
  • Validates user passwords against a list of common passwords for enhanced security (lib/common_passwords.txt)
  • Validates acceptance of terms and conditions checkbox on user creation
  • Default Devise installation with Confirmable and Lockable enabled
  • Pre-styled Stimulus flash notifications
  • A Procfile for Heroku deployments
  • Empty partials for app/views/shared/_analytics.html.erb and app/views/shared/_metatags.html.erb to drop in analytics (consider using Plausible.io instead of GA!) and opengraph tags
  • A favicon
  • Tailwind CSS with Tailwind Forms and Tailwind Typography plugin
  • A default minimalist Docker config for development
  • Good Job for a background worker
  • Font Awesome Icons (https://fontawesome.com/search?o=r&m=free)
  • User has first_name, last_name, and admin columns
  • Privacy Policy and T&C pages
  • error_message_on(resource, :field) let's you render per-field validations
  • user.full_name method
  • A before action of require_turbo_frame_request to stop users accessing pages that should only be loaded via turbo frame (e.g. modals)
  • An onboarding modal with turbo frames (easy to make multistep, just link to the next turbo frame)
  • Cancancan installed with default abilites set up for admin
  • Bullet set up to catch n+1s early
  • Performance tweaks for a high Lighthouse score out of the box
  • Sitemap Generator gem for dynamic sitemaps - rails sitemap:refresh
  • Active Storage configured with S3 to host the sitemap (since ephemeral storage with Heroku)


Things that have been changed from their defaults...

  • Devise default minimum password length has been increased from 6 to 8 characters
  • Devise allows unconfirmed access for the first 14 days (to reduce user friction in trying out the product)
  • Fixtures have been replaced with FactoryBot
  • Tests have been replaced with RSpec
  • Devise Confirmable and Lockable have been enabled on the User model
  • Procfile (for Heroku deploys) runs rails db:migrate on each deploy release
  • The base ApplicationJob class is configured with default strategies for discarding on deserialization error (a record not being found), retrying on deadlock, and retrying 3 times on a standard error before handing off to the worker to discard.
  • Tailwind and assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css is configured with PostCSS to make it easier to add custom CSS. Tailwind Forms is also enabled.
  • UUIDs are configured instead of incremental IDs as primary keys
  • .gitignore will ignore database dumps, .DS_Store files and .env files
  • Docker IP range has been whitelisted in config/environments/development.rb to allow the web console to work properly in development.
  • Enable Stimulus debug mode in development
  • Faker unique generator is reset after each test spec to ensure unique values don't run out
  • Sends devise mail through GoodJob in a dedicated :devise queue
  • Configures ActiveJob for test environment
  • Configures Capybara to use :rack_test for most test, and :selenium_headless for js tests. Config in spec_helper.rb
  • More pleasing error messages set up in en.yml for Cancancan
  • Disallows OpenAI's GPTBot web crawler in the robots.txt file
  • Force HTTPS, and redirect https traffic - https://www.stackhawk.com/blog/rails-http-strict-transport-security-guide-what-it-is-and-how-to-enable-it/
  • Enables text compression with Rack::Deflator for better performance
  • Adds default metatags for SEO in app/views/shared/metatags.html.erb
  • Removes trailing slashes from urls - https://tosbourn.com/ruby-on-rails-seo/#remove-trailing-slashes

Launch checklist

Before you launch, don't forget to...

  1. Rename the app
  2. Set config variables for your support email and other config
  3. Add your analytics in views/shared/_analytics.html.erb
  4. Add your metatags in views/shared/_metatags.html.erb

Tests & Linting

standardrb --fix


Boilerplate is configured with a Procfile for Heroku deployment Alternative PaaS deploys coming soon...