Ruby Log Parser


Takes a .log file of the following format url ip_address e.g; /about/meet-the-team and returns a count of all unique visits of each page.


The main workhorse is the /lib/parser.rb class. This is a simple parser responsible for crunching the numbers of the log file in various ways. You can initialise a new parser with parser ="path/to/your/logfile.log"). Once this is done you can call a variety of methods to pull out information about the log...

  • .file - returns the raw logfile
  • .log - Returns the log as a two dimensional array [[page, ip_address]]
  • .pages - Returns a list of unique page urls in the logfile
  • .page_views - Returns a hash of page urls (as keys) with their assosciated view count (as values)
  • .unique_page_views - Returns a hash of page urls (as keys) with their assosciated unique (by IP address) view count (as values)


Run rspec in the console to run the test suite


ruby log_parser.rb webserver.log