
A simple Discord bot that uses Discord.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



⚡ Installation

This guide assumes you have Node.JS installed. Ensure you are using v16.6.0 or higher for Discord.JS to work correctly. You can run node -v in the terminal to check your version.

  1. Start by downloading the code.

  2. Go to the folder config then the file bot.txt.

    • For the bot to be able to start, please complete the file with your credentials as follows :

      discord: {
          token: 'TOKEN'

      token, the token of the bot available on the Discord Developers section.

      servers: {
          testServer: 'SERVER ID'

      testServer, the guild id of a server to test the bot. This is the server used to test slash commands.

  3. Rename the file from bot.txt to bot.js.

  4. In the console, type npm install to install all dependencies.

  5. If you don't have a database.sqlite file in your directory, type node dbInit.js.

  6. Now start the bot with node index.js!

    • This is the only command needed to run the bot in the future.

⚙️ Setup

  1. Invite your bot to a server. You can do this in the OAuth2 section of your bot on the Discord Developers site.
    • Make sure bot and applications.commands are enabled.
    • If it is a private bot, feel free to put the bot permissions to Administrator.
  2. To register your slash commands, type !deploy test or !deploy global in a server your bot is in.
    • !deploy test will add the slash commands to your test server instantly.
    • !deploy global will add them when Discord next caches them, and may take up to hour.
  3. To modify your commands, go to /config/commands.json and modify the information.
    • Remember to use !deploy test or !deploy global when you are done!

👩🏻‍💻 Commands

Fun Commands

  • /libtard - Sends a meme from /r/ToiletPaperUSA

  • /roll (Number) - Generate a random number!

  • /simp - Get a picture from Abigail herself!

Game Commands

  • /apex (Legend, Legend Class, Weapon, Weapon Type, Inventory, Interact, Drop) - Generate a random Apex Legends challenge!

  • /apexstats


    user (member) - Get the Apex Stats of a discord user!

    name [username] [platform] - Get the Apex Stats of any username!


    set [username] [platform] - Set your Apex username!

    remove - Unset your Apex username.

  • /fortnite (Weapon, Weapon Type, Inventory, Interact, Drop) - Generate a random Fortnite Battle Royale challenge!

  • /map - Find the current Apex Legends maps!

Information Commands

  • /ping - Replies with Pong!

Music Commands

  • /play [query] (position) - Play a song!
  • /nowplay [query] - Play a song immediately!
  • /skip - Skip the current song in the queue!
  • /seek - Jump to part of a song.
  • /queue (page) - View the music queue for the server.
  • /np - Now Playing. Get information about the currently playing song.
  • /cq - Clear Queue. Clears everything in the music queue.
  • /disconnect - Disconnect from the current voice channel.
  • /loop - Sets loop mode.

💡 Additional Features

  • Automatic Voice Channels

    • Naming a voice channel Join to Create allows a flexible amount of voice channels.

    • When someone joins the channel, they are automatically given a new voice channel that others can join. It is deleted when everyone leaves.

  • Rules

    • Typing !rules will create a rule sheet in the current channel. Feel free to customize it however you want in events/messageCreate.js.
  • Talk with Abigail

    • Mentioning or replying to Abigail with text in your message will prompt her to respond using GPT-3.