
Anonymous functions and FP stuff for bash

Primary LanguageShell

Bash lambda

Note: Since switching to zsh for performance reasons I'm no longer actively maintaining this project. I'll probably write something similar for zsh, but hopefully much faster since zsh has real hash support.

Real lambda support for bash (a functionally complete hack). Includes a set of functions for functional programming, list allocation and traversal, futures, complete closure serialization, remote closure execution, multimethods, and concurrent mark/sweep garbage collection with weak reference support.

MIT license as usual.

Try it with Docker

So you don't garbage-collect any heapfiles on your real filesystem.

$ docker run --rm -it spencertipping/bash-lambda

Getting started

Load the library into your shell (the source line can go into .bashrc):

$ git clone git://github.com/spencertipping/bash-lambda
$ source bash-lambda/bash-lambda

Before you do this, be aware that bash-lambda garbage-collects a part of your filesystem. Think about what might theoretically go wrong with this. I source it in my .bashrc without problems, but as always, your mileage may vary.

Sourcing bash-lambda will do a few things:

  1. Create a heap directory in $TMPDIR (usually /tmp)
  2. Add this heap directory to your $PATH
  3. Add the asynchronous GC hook to your $PROMPT_COMMAND
  4. Add lots of variables and functions to your shell process
  5. Add an EXIT trap to nuke the heap directory

Loading the library takes very little time even though a new heap is created for every process. This is because the heap setup and sourcing of your .bash-lambda file (run defs to edit it) is all done asynchronously. When the background initialization is complete, a small λ will appear in the rightmost column of your window.

You can write arbitrary text to the right-hand side of the terminal by using the message function:

$ message hi
$                                             hi

Before getting started, go ahead and run defs once. This will initialize your ~/.bash-lambda file with some useful functions for common file operations. If you already have a ~/.bash-lambda file from an earlier version, you can stash it somewhere, run defs, and then merge in previous definitions.

Defining functions

The functions provided by bash-lambda take their nomenclature from Clojure, and they are as analogous as I could make them while remaining somewhat useful in a bash context. They are, by example:

Anonymous functions

These are created with the fn form and work like this:

$ $(fn name 'echo "hello there, $name"') spencer
hello there, spencer
$ greet=$(fn name 'echo "hello there, $name"')
$ $greet spencer
hello there, spencer

The spec is fn formals... 'body'. You can use an alternative form, cons_fn, which takes the body from stdin: cons_fn formals... <<'end'\n body \nend.

Named functions

These are created using defn:

$ defn greet name 'echo "hi there, $name"'
$ greet spencer
hi there, spencer

Notice that we didn't need to dereference greet this time, since it's now a named function instead of a variable.

You can use def to name any value:

$ def increment $(fn x 'echo $((x + 1))')
$ increment 10

Partials and composition

Like Clojure, bash-lambda gives you functions to create partial (curried) functions and compositions. These are called partial and comp, respectively.

$ add=$(fn x y 'echo $((x + y))')
$ $(partial $add 5) 6
$ $(comp $(partial $add 1) $(partial $add 2)) 5


Bash-lambda gives you the usual suspects for list manipulation. However, there are a few differences from the way they are normally implemented.

Mapping over lists

$ map $(partial $add 5) $(list 1 2 3 4)
$ seq 1 4 | map $(partial $add 1)

The list function boxes up a series of values into a single file for later use. It's worth noting that this won't work:

$ map $(partial $add 5) $(map $(partial $add 1) $(list 1 2 3))
cat: 2: No such file or directory

You need to wrap the inner map into a list if you want to use applicative notation:

$ map $(partial $add 5) $(list $(map $(partial $add 1) $(list 1 2 3)))

Alternatively, just use pipes. This allows you to process lists lazily.

$ map $(partial $add 1) $(list 1 2 3) | map $(partial $add 5)

Reducing and filtering

Two functions reduce and filter do what you would expect. (reduce isn't named fold like the Clojure function because fold is a useful shell utility already)

$ reduce $add 0 $(list 1 2 3)
$ even=$(fn x '((x % 2 == 0))')
$ seq 1 10 | filter $even

Higher-order functions work like you would expect:

$ sum_list=$(partial reduce $add 0)
$ $sum_list $(list 1 2 3)
$ rand_int=$(fn 'echo $RANDOM')
$ repeatedly $rand_int 100 | $sum_list

$ our_numbers=$(list $(repeatedly $rand_int 100))

Another function, reductions, returns the intermediate results of reducing a list:

$ seq 1 4 | reductions $add 0

Filtering is useful when working with files, especially in conjunction with some builtins that come with the standard ~/.bash-lambda file. For example:

$ ls | filter is-d      # same as ls | filter $(fn '[[ -d $1 ]]')
$ ls | filter $(newerthan build)

Flatmap (mapcat in Clojure)

It turns out that map already does what you need to write mapcat. The lists in bash-lambda behave more like Perl lists than like Lisp lists -- that is, consing is associative, so things are flattened out unless you box them up into files. Therefore, mapcat is just a matter of writing multiple values from a function:

$ self_and_one_more=$(fn x 'echo $x; echo $((x + 1))')
$ map $self_and_one_more $(list 1 2 3)

Infinite lists

UNIX has a long tradition of using pipes to form lazy computations, and bash-lambda is designed to do the same thing. You can generate infinite lists using iterate and repeatedly, each of which is roughly equivalent to the Clojure function of the same name:

$ repeatedly $rand_int 100      # notice count is after, not before, function
<100 numbers>
$ iterate $(partial $add 1) 0

Note that both iterate and repeatedly will continue forever, even if you use take (a wrapper for head) to select only a few lines. I'm not sure how to fix this at the moment, but I'd be very happy to accept a fix if anyone has one. (See src/list for these functions)

Searching lists

Bash-lambda provides some and every to find list values. These behave like Clojure's some and every, but each one returns the element it used to terminate the loop, if any.

$ ls /bin/* | some $(fn '[[ -x $1 ]]')
$ echo $?
$ ls /etc/* | every $(fn '[[ -d $1 ]]')
$ echo $?

If some or every reaches the end of the list, then it outputs nothing and its only result is its status code. (For some, it means nothing was found, so it returns 1; for every, it means they all satisfied the predicate, so it returns 0.)

It also gives you the nth function, which does exactly what you would expect:

$ nth 0 $(list 1 2 3)
$ list 1 2 3 | nth 2


There are two ways you can allocate closures, one of which is true to the usual Lisp way but is horrendously ugly:

$ average=$(fn xs "echo \$((\$($sum_list \$xs) / \$(wc -l < \$xs)))")
$ $average $our_numbers

Here we're closing over the current value of $sum_list and emulating Lisp-style quasiquoting by deliberately escaping everything else. (Well, with a good bit of bash mixed in.)

The easier way is to make the 'sum_list' function visible within closures by giving it a name. While we're at it, let's do the same for average.

$ def sum-list $sum_list
$ defn average xs 'echo $(($(sum-list $xs) / $(wc -l < $xs)))'

Named functions don't need to be dereferenced, since they aren't variables:

$ average $our_numbers

Values are just files, so you can save one for later:

$ cp $our_numbers the-list

Atoms and locking

Atoms are atomic values that use spin or wait locks to provide transactions. They are used extensively under the hood for things like futures, but in general you will probably not find much use for them.

However, if you're curious, you should check out src/atom and src/semaphore.


This provides an instant lock/release lock that doesn't incur the overhead of a full spin or delay:

$ lock=$(pipelock)
$ ln -s $lock my-pipelock
$ pipelock_grab $lock           # blocks until...

other-terminal$ pipelock_release my-pipelock

# ... we free it using pipelock_release from the other terminal

See src/pipelock for implementation details.

Futures and remote execution

Futures are asynchronous processes that you can later force to get their values. Bash-lambda implements the future function, which asynchronously executes another function and allows you to monitor its status:

$ f=$(future $(fn 'sleep 10; echo hi'))
$ future_finished $f || echo waiting
$ time future_get $f

real    0m7.707s
user    0m0.016s
sys     0m0.052s

Futures as memoized results

When you create a future, standard out is piped into a file that is then replayed. This file is preserved as long as you have live references to the future object, so you can replay the command's output at very little cost. For example:

$ f=$(future $(fn 'sleep 10; echo hi'))
$ time get $f   # long runtime

real    0m8.436s
user    0m0.128s
sys     0m0.208s
$ time get $f   # short runtime; result is cached

real    0m0.116s
user    0m0.044s
sys     0m0.060s

The exit code is also memoized; however, standard error and other side-effects are not. There is no way to clear a future after it has finished executing.


You can use the future_map function to transform the output of a future when it completes. You can also use this to trigger alerts. For example:

$ f=$(future $(fn 'sleep 10'))
$ future_map $f $(fn 'message done')

If you do this, the word 'done' will show up on the right side of the terminal in a few seconds.

Command output is usually captured by the future. The only reason message works is that it prints to standard error, which is let through synchronously. This way you can immediately observe failures in future processes.

Note that future_map is not a multimethod. The reason is that the regular map function needs to be able to process stdin, which has no ref_type. As a result, map is not a multimethod, so by extension, future_map is not an implementation of map.

Partial results

You can use unsafe_get to retrieve whatever stdout has been produced without blocking on the process itself. The function isn't unsafe in that it will blow up or anything, but it may not fully reflect the state of the future (e.g. the future may have completed by the time unsafe_get returns):

$ f=$(future $(fn 'sleep 10; echo hi'))
$ unsafe_get $f         # returns quickly
$ get $f                # takes a while

Futures and lists

You can transpose a list of futures into a future of a list using future_transpose:

$ f=$(fn 'sleep 10; echo $RANDOM')
$ futures=$(list $(repeatedly $(partial future $f) 10))
$ single=$(future_transpose $futures)
$ future_finished $single || echo waiting
$ future_get $single    # takes a moment

The resulting list is order-preserving.

Both future_finished and future_get are implemented as multimethods, so you can simply use finished and get instead.

Parallel mapping

You can apply bounded parallelism to the elements of a list by using parallel_map. This function returns a lazily computed list of futures; if you need all of the results at once, you can use future_transpose.

The advantage of parallel_map $f over map $(comp future $f) is that you can limit the maximum number of running jobs. This lets you have functionality analogous to make -jN, but for general-purpose list mapping. Like map, parallel_map is order-preserving. For example:

$ compile=$(fn cfile 'gcc $cfile -o ${cfile%.c}')
$ futures=$(list $(ls | parallel_map $compile))
$ map get $futures      # force each one

Remote execution

The remote function sends a function, along with any heap dependencies it has, to another machine via SSH and runs it there, piping back the standard output to the local machine. For example:

$ check_disk_space=$(fn 'df -h')
$ remote some-machine $check_disk_space
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1  250G 125G  125G  50% /

This can be useful in conjunction with futures.


These aren't quite as cool as the ones in Clojure (and they're a lot slower), but bash-lambda implements multimethods that allow you to have OO-style polymorphism. This is based around the idea of a ref_type, which is a filename prefix that gets added to various kinds of objects:

$ map ref_type $(list $(list) $(fn 'true') $(pipelock) $(semaphore 5))

Whenever you have a function called $(ref_type $x)_name, for instance future_get, you can omit the future_ part if you're passing an object with that ref_type as the first argument (which you often do). So:

$ get $(future $(fn 'echo hi'))
$ future_get $(future $(fn 'echo hi'))
$ get $(atom 100)
$ atom_get $(atom 100)

You use defmulti to define a new multimethod. Examples of this are in src/multi.

References and garbage collection

Bash-lambda implements a conservative concurrent mark-sweep garbage collector that runs automatically if an allocation is made more than 30 seconds since the last GC run. This prevents the disk from accumulating tons of unused files from anonymous functions, partials, compositions, etc.

You can also trigger a synchronous GC by running the bash_lambda_gc function:

$ bash_lambda_gc
0 0

The two numbers are the number and size of reclaimed objects. If it says 0 0, then no garbage was found.

Saving complete references

You can serialize any anonymous function, composition, partial application, list, or completed future (you can't serialize a running future for obvious reasons). To do that, use the ref_snapshot function, which returns the filename of a heap-allocated tar.gz file:

$ f=$(fn x 'echo $((x + 1))')
$ g=$(comp $f $f)
$ h=$(comp $g $f)
$ ref_snapshot $h
$ tar -tvf $(ref_snapshot $h)
-rwx------ spencertipping/spencertipping 44 2012-10-11 23:01 /tmp/blheap-12328-29f272454ea973c4561b2d1238957b7d0b2c/fn_mm7fTv75AQZ4lf
-rwx------ spencertipping/spencertipping 174 2012-10-11 23:01 /tmp/blheap-12328-29f272454ea973c4561b2d1238957b7d0b2c/fn_oiKxIgZQwPnmTD
-rwx------ spencertipping/spencertipping 174 2012-10-11 23:01 /tmp/blheap-12328-29f272454ea973c4561b2d1238957b7d0b2c/fn_Uq2O7rtISqbfw3

This tar.gz file will be garbage-collected just like any other object. You can extract a heap snapshot on the same or a different machine by using tar -xzPf, or by using ref_intern:

$ def f $(comp ...)
$ scp $(ref_snapshot $BASH_LAMBDA_HEAP/f) other-machine:snapshot
$ ssh other-machine
other-machine$ ref_intern snapshot
other-machine$ original-heap-name/f

Notice that you'll need to communicate not only the function's data but also its name; ref_snapshot and ref_intern are low-level functions that aren't designed to be used directly for remoting (though they probably do most of the work). The remote function uses ref_snapshot under the hood and takes care of most of the details of running stuff remotely.

Inspecting heap state

You can see how much memory the heap is using by running heap_stats:

$ heap_stats
heap size:           120K
objects:             54
permanent:           54

You can also inspect the root set and find the immediate references for any object:

$ gc_roots | ref_children
$ add=$(fn x y 'echo $((x + y))')
$ echo $add
$ cat $(partial $add 5) | gc_refs

The output of ref_children includes weak references. You can detect weak or fictitious references by looking for slashes in whatever follows $BASH_LAMBDA_HEAP/:

$ is_real_ref=$(fn x '[[ ! ${x##$BASH_LAMBDA_HEAP/} =~ / ]]')
$ $is_real_ref $is_real_ref || echo not real
$ $is_real_ref $(weak_ref $is_real_ref) || echo not real
not real

If you need the full transitive closure, you can use ref_closure. This function encapsulates the algorithm used by the GC to find live references.

Pinning objects

The root set is built from all variables you have declared in your shell and all running processes. This includes any functions you've written, etc. However, there may be cases where you need to pin a reference so that it will never be collected. You can do this using bash_lambda_gc_pin, or just gc_pin for short:

$ pinned_function=$(gc_pin $(fn x 'echo $x'))

You can use an analogous function, unpin, to remove something's pinned status:

$ f=$(gc_unpin $pinned_function)

(gc_pin and gc_unpin return the value you give them for convenience, but side-effectfully change its status within the garbage collector)

Weak references

You can construct a weak reference to anything in the heap using weak_ref:

$ f=$(fn x 'echo hi')
$ g=$(weak_ref $f)
$ $f
$ $g
$ unset f
$ $g
$ bash_lambda_gc
1 36
$ $g
no such file or directory

Weak references (and all references, for that matter) can be checked using bash's -e test:

$ f=$(fn x 'echo hi')
$ exists=$(fn name '[[ -e $name ]] && echo yes || echo no')
$ $exists $f
$ g=$(weak_ref $f)
$ $exists $g
$ unset f
$ bash_lambda_gc
1 36
$ $exists $g

Limits of concurrent GC in bash

Bash-lambda doesn't own its heap and memory space the same way that the JVM does. As a result, there are a few cases where GC will be inaccurate, causing objects to be collected when they shouldn't. So far these cases are:

  1. The window of time between parameter substitution and command invocation. Allocations made by those parameter substitutions will be live but may be collected anyway since they are not visible in the process table.
  2. By extension, any commands that have delayed parts: sleep 10; map $(fn ...) $xs. We can't read the memory of the bash process, so we won't be able to know whether the $(fn) is still in the live set. This is incorrect. Based on some tests I ran, $() expressions inside delayed commands are evaluated only once the delayed commands are. Therefore, the only cause of pathological delays would be something like this: cat $(fn 'echo hi'; sleep 10), which would delay the visibility of the $(fn) form.

Bash-lambda does its best to work around these problems, but there may still be edge cases. See src/gc for a full discussion of these issues, and please let me know if you run into bugs in the garbage collector.