ETL Project: Group 8

Members: -Raj -Jaimie -Steven P.

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Formula 1 is the highest class of auto racing and the most thrilling. Formula 1 is sanctioned by the FIA (Federation Internalionale de l’Automobile) and was started in 1950. With drivers zooming around the track at speeds above 200mph. The data below is for Constructors who are the manufacturers of the cars being raced.


Data for our ETL project comes from Kaggle. The data consists of 4 csv files. We are going to load the csv files into Pandas and store the csv files as a dataframe. We will then clean the dataframes. We will then create tables for the files in pgAdmin 4 and create an ERD diagram showing the tables. We will then connect our Jupyter notebook file to our database and check our table names. We will then load the dataframes into the database. Lastly, we will query the data to confirm that the data is present and was uploaded properly.


Source: Files names: -Races

-Constructor Results

-Constructor Standings


Presentation :