
An AI-driven Assistant leveraging OpenAI's APIs for interactive tutoring, comprehension assessment and continuous improvement/quality control.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An AI-driven Assistant leveraging OpenAI's APIs for interactive tutoring, comprehension assessment and continuous improvement of any topic!

Project Overview



Develop an AI assistant leveraging OpenAI's APIs, integrating text-to-speech (TTS), speech-to-text (STT), and other tools to streamline employee training, tutor users interactively, and assess their understanding.


  1. Document Intake & Processing

    • Document Upload: Allow users to upload various document types.
    • Content Analysis: Utilize GPT-4 for comprehension and goal identification.
  2. Goal Formation

    • Objective Derivation: Use the content analysis to generate a structured list of learning objectives or goals.
  3. Interactive Tutoring Session

    • Text-to-Speech Conversion: Convert textual content to speech for audio-based interaction.
    • Speech-to-Text Input: Enable users to respond orally, transcribing their speech to text for the assistant's comprehension.
    • Tutoring Session: Initiate an interactive session where the assistant verbally tutors users about the document content and learning goals.
    • Engagement: Engage users through conversational styles, explanations, Q&A, or summaries using speech.
  4. Understanding Assessment

    • Speech-to-Text for Responses: Convert user audio responses to text.
    • Evaluation: Analyze and assess user comprehension through their oral responses or follow-up questions.

APIs Utilized

  • Text-to-Speech: Employ TTS APIs to convert textual content into speech for interactive tutoring.
  • Speech-to-Text: STT APIs for transcribing user's oral responses into text for assessment.

User Stories

User Story ID User Story Description Features
1 As a user, I want to upload diverse documents for training material, allowing the AI assistant to comprehend and structure content. Document upload & processing
2 As a user, I want the assistant to analyze and identify learning objectives or goals based on the uploaded document's content. Learning objectives identification
3 As a user, I want to engage in interactive tutoring sessions where the assistant verbally explains content and learning goals. Interactive tutoring sessions
4 As a user, I want the assistant to ask questions or prompt discussions about the content to enhance my understanding. Content engagement prompts
5 As a user, I want the assistant to summarize or clarify complex sections of the document using speech for better comprehension. Speech-based document summarization
6 As a user, I want to respond orally during the tutoring session, expecting the assistant to transcribe my responses for evaluation. Oral response transcription
7 As a user, I want the assistant to evaluate my responses against the learning goals derived from the document. Response evaluation against learning goals
8 As a user, I want feedback from the assistant to understand my level of understanding and areas that need improvement. Understanding feedback
9 As a user, I want the assistant to convert textual content to speech for an engaging audio-based interaction during the tutoring session. Text-to-speech conversion
10 As a user, I expect a user-friendly interface allowing seamless interaction via both speech and text inputs during the session. Speech and text interface
11 As an administrator, I want to manage the documents uploaded for training materials and their associated learning goals. Document and goal management
12 As a user, I want the assistant's functionalities accessible across various devices or interfaces for flexible usage. Multi-device accessibility
13 As a user, I want the assistant to handle errors gracefully, providing clear prompts or explanations in case of misunderstandings. Error handling and guidance
14 As a user, I expect support documentation or assistance if I encounter issues during the interaction with the assistant. Support and assistance

Proposed Project Structure

├── backend/
│   ├── app/
│   │   ├── document_processing/
│   │   │   ├── upload_handler.py       # Backend logic for handling document uploads
│   │   │   └── analysis_service.py    # Service to interact with OpenAI's document analysis API
│   │   │
│   │   ├── goal_formation/
│   │   │   └── goal_derivation.py     # Algorithm/service for deriving learning objectives from analysis results
│   │   │
│   │   ├── tutoring_session/
│   │   │   ├── tts_service.py         # Service to interact with TTS API
│   │   │   ├── stt_service.py         # Service to interact with STT API
│   │   │   └── tutoring_logic.py      # Backend logic for managing tutoring sessions
│   │   │
│   │   ├── understanding_assessment/
│   │   │   └── evaluation_service.py  # Algorithm/service for evaluating user responses against learning objectives
│   │   │
│   │   ├── main.py                    # FastAPI main application entry point
│   │   └── error_handling.py          # Error handling logic for API requests and user inputs
│   │
│   ├── requirements.txt               # Backend Python dependencies
│   └── Dockerfile                     # Docker configuration for the FastAPI backend
├── frontend/
│   ├── public/
│   │   ├── index.html                 # Frontend HTML file
│   │   └── ...                        # Other public assets
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── components/                # React components
│   │   ├── styles/                    # Stylesheets for React components
│   │   ├── App.js                     # Main React component
│   │   └── index.js                  
│   ├── package.json                   # Frontend Node.js dependencies
│   └── Dockerfile                     # Docker configuration for the React frontend
└── README.md                          # Project documentation