
An extended version of the print function

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI CI codecov

An extended version of the print function.

The intent is to make it easy to print pretty outputs, with an interface that Python beginners who just made their first "Hello World" can use.

You can always use pprint, sys.stderr, etc., and probably should for complex usage. As stated, this is to be beginner-friendly. Functionality will be sacrificed for ease-of-use.

Quick Start

# In your console or command-line
pip install python-print-extended
# main.py
from print_extended import eprint, print



  • print.group and print.endgroup to create indentation levels
  • foreground colors
    • print.red('foo')
    • print.green('foo')
    • print.blue('foo')
    • print.yellow('foo')
    • print.magenta('foo')
    • print.cyan('foo')
    • print.rgb(r, g, b)('foo')
  • background colors
    • print.on_red('foo')
    • print.on_green('foo')
    • print.on_blue('foo')
    • print.on_yellow('foo')
    • print.on_magenta('foo')
    • print.on_cyan('foo')
    • print.on_rgb(r, g, b)('foo')
  • text styles
    • print.bold('foo')
    • print.italic('foo')
    • print.underline('foo')
  • styling and colors are chainable! print.red.bold.italic('error')
  • eprint to simplify printing to STDERR


# Activate virtual environment
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install .
python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install