
IDL programs to evaluate COS ACQ/IMAGE

Primary LanguageIDL


IDL programs to evaluate COS ACQ/IMAGE

If everything is running correctly, it should look like this (go to "RAW" mode)

IDL Version 8.5.1, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64).
(c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: 90853.
Licensed for use by: Space Telescope

% Compiled module: ASTROLIB.
% ASTROLIB: Astronomy Library system variables have been added
% Compiled module: PROMPT.

spenton >.r acqimage_centering_vs_sn_4way
spenton >acqimage_centering_vs_sn_4way,/redo
% Compiled module: CLOSE_GWIN.
% Compiled module: COS_EXPOSURE_INFO.
% Compiled module: GET_SMOV_DIR.
% Compiled module: STRING1I.
% Compiled module: MRDFITS.
% Compiled module: FXPOSIT.
% Compiled module: MRD_HREAD.
% Compiled module: FXPAR.
% Compiled module: GETTOK.
% Compiled module: VALID_NUM.
% Compiled module: FXMOVE.
% Compiled module: MRD_SKIP.
% Compiled module: MATCH.
% Compiled module: MRD_STRUCT.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns by 1804357 rows.
% Compiled module: SVPPAR.
% Compiled module: SXPAR_SVP.
% Compiled module: HIST_2D.
% Compiled module: HIST_EQUAL.
% Compiled module: HANNING.
% Loaded DLM: PNG.
% Compiled module: LINTERP. % Compiled module: ZPARCHECK. % Compiled module: TABINV.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns by 2227004 rows.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns by 2227423 rows.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns by 2223269 rows.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns by 2219527 rows.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns, no rows.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns by 95386 rows.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns by 45507 rows.
MRDFITS: Binary table. 3 columns by 174937 rows.