
This repository contains all source files which might come in handy during Arduino Day 2015 workshops.

Primary LanguageC++

Arduino Day 2015

Arduino Day 2015

This repository contains all source files which might come in handy during Arduino Day 2015 workshops.

Files in this repository

  • documentation - General documentation and references
    • Arduino Motor Shield - documentation, schematics related to the motor shield
    • Arduino Uno - Arduino Uno schematic
    • Photoconductive Cell - Arduino photoresistor connection diagrams
    • Ultrasonic Sensor - Ultrasonic sensor documentation from Seeed Studio wiki
  • examples -
    • MotorTest - Sample code to use with motor shield
    • PhotoconductiveCell - Sample code for reading photoconductive cell (in fact any other ADC sensor can be used)
    • PingSensor - Sample code to use with ping sensors
    • PingSensorSimple - Sample simple code to use with ping sensors
  • libraries - Additional libraries for Arduino