
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Document Question Answering Pipeline

This README provides an overview of a Python codebase designed for document-based question answering using deep learning models from the Hugging Face transformers and datasets libraries.


Before running the scripts, ensure that the necessary packages are installed. Run the following commands in your Python environment:

!pip install transformers
!pip install datasets
!pip install evaluate
!pip install json
!pip install csv
!pip install pandas

Import Libraries

The script begins by importing necessary Python libraries:

import pandas as pd
import json
import csv
import os

Load and Process Dataset

The dataset used is SantiagoPG/doc_qa, loaded using Hugging Face's datasets library. It is converted into a pandas DataFrame for ease of manipulation:

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("SantiagoPG/doc_qa")

dataset = dataset['train'][:]

The dataset undergoes various preprocessing steps, including cleaning and formatting columns, and removing unnecessary columns.

Data Analysis

The script includes basic data analysis operations, such as calculating dataset shape, data types, missing values, and unique counts. There's also a visualization section where a histogram and word cloud are generated to analyze question lengths and frequencies.

Text Cleaning

A custom function clean_text is used to clean the doc_text field in the dataset, removing URLs and standardizing whitespace.

Model Preparation

Two models, AutoTokenizer and AutoModelForDocumentQuestionAnswering, are loaded from the Hugging Face library. The script checks for CUDA availability for GPU acceleration.

Data Tokenization

A custom function tokenize_and_format is defined to tokenize the dataset, preparing it for input into the neural network.

Dataset and DataLoader

A custom PyTorch Dataset class QADataset is defined to handle the tokenized data. A DataLoader is then created for batch processing.


The training loop includes forward and backward passes, loss calculation, and optimization steps. It uses the AdamW optimizer and tracks the loss across epochs.

Inference Function

An answer_question function is provided to make predictions on new data, tokenizing the input question and context, and decoding the model's output into an answer string.