
curl-updatable status app. Done for interview purposes.

Primary LanguageRuby

I wrote this small app as part of an interview task.


1 - Check out status-app from GitHub

$ git clone git@github.com:speric/status-app.git
$ cd status-app

2 - Create config/database.yml (blank one here) with the proper credentials for your local db

3 - Run setup script (install gems via Bundler, creates local dbs, seeds db with initial data)

$ ./app-setup.sh

4 - Start local server

$ rails server

5 - Navigate to http://localhost:3000


The app starts with an UP status. App status can be updated via curl. Responses are in JSON format. Valid status values are UP or DOWN. You can also send a status_message. Either a status or status_message must be present in the request. If status is empty, the current status of the application will remain unchanged. Valid requests will return an HTTP 200, requests with errors will return an HTTP 422.

Update status with message

$ curl -i -d "app_status[status]=UP" -d "app_status[status_message]=24 hrs no downtime" http://localhost:3000/status

HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Content-Length: 127
    "status_message":"24 hrs no downtime",

Update status, no message

$ curl -i -d "app_status[status]=UP" http://localhost:3000/status

HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Content-Length: 127

Update status_message, no status (current state of app is UP)

$ curl -i -d "app_status[status_message]=24 hours with no downtime" http://localhost:3000/status

HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Content-Length: 150
    "status_message":"24 hours with no downtime",

Update status, invalid status

$ curl -i -d "app_status[status]=CHAOS" http://localhost:3000/status

HTTP/1.1 422  
Content-Length: 53
  "errors":{"status":["CHAOS is not a valid status"]}


$ rake db:test:load
$ rake test