
electrum plugins

Primary LanguagePython

This repository serves as an example for remote plugins.

Remote plugins are plugins that can be downloaded from the Electrum GUI. They are listed in electrum/plugins.json

The contrib/make_plugin script in the electrum repository creates a zip file that can be distributed via https. Here is how to use it:

First, call ./contrib/make_plugin /path/to/yourplugin

This will create a plugin file named yourplugin-version.zip, where version is set in __init__.py of the plugin. It will also update the hash and metadata of your plugin in electrum/plugins.json. This hash update is required by Electrum in order to import the plugin.

In order to test changes to your plugin, you need to both move the zip file to your userspace and update the hash.

It is best to perform both operations together: ./contrib/make_plugin /path/to/yourplugin && mv /path/to/yourplugin-*.zip ~/.electrum/plugins/