
Orthorectify and stack GOES imagery into a zarr file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GOES Ortho Builder

This repository allows you to run goespy and goes-ortho utilities to download, orthorectify (apply a terrain correction), and build a zarr file of GOES-R ABI imagery through a Github Actions interface.

How to use GOES Ortho Builder

  • Fork this repository
  • Make a user account and generate an API key for OpenTopography.org
  • Create an Actions secret for this API key: OPENTOPO_API_KEY (This allows the workflow to download a DEM from OpenTopography.org, used for the terrain correction applied to the imagery)


  • Under the Actions repository tab, click on the Build workflow
  • Select the Run workflow dropdown menu, and specify the required information:
    • Use workflow from: Branch: main (there is currently only one version of this workflow)
    • startDatetime: starting date and time to get GOES imagery (in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, all times UTC)
    • endDatetime: end date and time to get GOES imagery
    • min_lon: minimum longitude bound of the region to retrieve imagery of
    • min_lat: minimum latitude bound
    • max_lon: maximum longitude bound
    • max_lat: maximum longitude bound
    • satellite: goes16, goes17, or goes18 (each satellite has different dates of data availiability, view angles, and varying spatial resolutions)
    • product: ABI imagery product (currently limited to top of atmosphere radiance products for CONUS and Full Disk)
    • band: ABI band if applicable for the selected product (otherwise this field is ignored, spatial resolutions vary by band)
    • variable: Variable from the selected product if applicable (otherwise this field is ignored, currently limited to Radiance and Data Quality Field variables)
  • The time it takes for the workflow to run depends on the product, band, spatial extents, and start & end times. Progress can be monitored by clicking on the 'goes-build-zarr' job within the 'Build' run.
  • Upon completion, you will see an item within the action run under Artifacts. This is a zip folder containing the zarr file, a json file specifying the details of the workflow run, and a gif animation to preview the imagery.

Build Merged

  • Under the Actions repository tab, click on the Build Merged workflow
  • Select the Run workflow dropdown menu, and specify the required information:
    • Use workflow from: Branch: main (there is currently only one version of this workflow)
    • startDatetime: starting date and time to get GOES imagery (in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, all times UTC)
    • endDatetime: end date and time to get GOES imagery
    • min_lon: minimum longitude bound of the region to retrieve imagery of
    • min_lat: minimum latitude bound
    • max_lon: maximum longitude bound
    • max_lat: maximum longitude bound
    • product: ABI imagery product (in the format ABI-L1b-RadF or ABI-L2-LSTC)
    • band: ABI band if applicable for the selected product (otherwise this field is ignored, spatial resolutions vary by band)
    • variable: Variable from the selected product if applicable, e.g. Rad, LST, or DQF (otherwise this field is ignored)
  • The time it takes for the workflow to run depends on the product, band, spatial extents, and start & end times. Progress can be monitored by clicking on the 'goes-build-zarr' job within the 'Build' run.
  • Upon completion, you will see an item within the action run under Artifacts. This is a zip folder containing three zarr files, two json files specifying the details of the workflow run that downloaded goes16 and goes18 imagery, and three gif animations to preview the imagery.

GOES-Merged Example
