
Source code and documentation for our MICCAI 2016 publication

Primary LanguagePython

Automatic, Robust, and Globally Optimal Segmentation of Tubular Structures

Presented at MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece.


The provided code recreates the phantom experiment that is presented in our MICCAI 2016 paper

Simon Pezold, Antal Horváth, Ketut Fundana, Charidimos Tsagkas, Michaela Andělová, Katrin Weier, Michael Amann, and Philippe C. Cattin: Automatic, Robust, and Globally Optimal Segmentation of Tubular Structures.

The camera-ready version of the paper can be found as pdfs/pezold2016.pdf.

In the experiment, we compare isotropic total variation (TV) with anisotropic total variation regularization (ATV) for tubular structure segmentation. For a fair comparison, we make a grid search over the two parameters of the nonterminal cost/capacity, which we modeled as an edge detector term (see paper for equation). Running the full experiment thus might take some hours. Note that since running the experiment for the actual publication, we widened the search range for the parameters a bit, which slightly increases the Dice coefficients for TV (TV dice at level 1.5 before widening search range: 0.8837, after: 0.8895, ATV dice at level 1.5: 0.9332). The original search range can still be found as a comment in phantom_experiment.py.

The experiment can be launched via

python src/phantom_experiment.py

using Python 2.X. For speeding up the result presentation, the following lines in phantom_experiment.py should be commented out:

self.nt_weightings = np.logspace(-2.5, 0.5, 24 + 1)
self.nt_decays     = np.logspace(-1, 3, 16 + 1)
self.noise_levels  = np.linspace(0.1, 1.5, 15)

They should be replaced by:

self.nt_weightings = [10 ** -1.625, 10 ** -1.25]
self.nt_decays     = [10 ** 1, 10 ** 1.5]
self.noise_levels  = [1.5]

which will result in calculating the best combinations for the highest noise level only.


Currently, the provided code runs on Python 2.X only. Apart from numpy and scipy, it requires the following packages:

  • mayavi
  • pyopencl

Note that pyopencl needs OpenCL-capable hardware and drivers. I only successfully ran the code on Nvidia GPUs so far. Compiling the .cl files for use with an Intel driver caused me problems with includes that were not found. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

Provided Functionality

  • src/helpers/helix_phantom.py: create the noise-free phantom image volumes
  • src/processing/qfrangi_gpu.py: calculate Frangi's vesselness feature on the GPU
  • src/processing/adjust_directions.py: adjust the vesselness main directions so that neighboring vectors point in approximately the same rather than the opposite direction, as described in Section 2.3 of our paper (mostly on the GPU).
  • src/processing/gradient_vector_flow.py: calculate gradient vector flow on the GPU
  • src/processing/continuous_cut_anisotropic_gpu.py: actual segmentation code, running on the GPU