
tiny helper to load and save medical volumetric data and to deal with anatomical world coordinate systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MVloader is meant to be a tiny helper to load and save medical volumetric data (therefore MV) aka. image volumes, i.e. three-dimensional medical images (DICOM, NIfTI, or NRRD), in Python 3.5+. It is also meant to simplify dealing with their different anatomical world coordinate systems.

Table of Contents

Installing MVloader

MVloader can be installed using pip or pip3, depending on your system, from its github repository (requiring git being installed on your system in either case):

pip install git+https://github.com/spezold/mvloader.git
pip3 install git+https://github.com/spezold/mvloader.git

This should also work inside conda.

MVloader's only remaining dependencies are the underlying image libraries (pydicom, nibabel, pynrrd) and NumPy, which should all be resolved automatically during installation.

Motivation: Voxel Indices, World Coordinates, and Patient Anatomy

When dealing with medical image volumes, one must realize that they live in two different worlds: their voxel space and a world coordinate system, the latter of which has an attached anatomical meaning.

What does a voxel index stand for …

The voxel space very unsurprisingly tells us what image intensity is stored in what sampling position of the volume: Say, we have a three-dimensional array voxel_data_array that contains our image volume:

import numpy as np
voxel_data_array = np.linspace(0, 1, num=1000).reshape(10, 10, 10)
i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
print(voxel_data_array[i, j, k])
# 0.0
i, j, k = 9, 9, 9
print(voxel_data_array[i, j, k])
# 1.0

The call of print(voxel_data_array[i, j, k]) simply tells us we have a value of zero in the [0, 0, 0] corner of the image cube, a value of 1 in the [9, 9, 9] corner, and so on.

… in terms of the physical world?

What the voxel index [i, j, k] does not tell us, is, where in the imaged patient (or healthy subject) we found this value. This, however, may be crucial for medical applications.

Medical image formats therefore provide a mapping from voxel indices to a patient-based world coordinate system: Via rotation, scaling, and translation, we may map from voxel indices to patient coordinates. Using homogeneous coordinates, we can store this mapping in a 4×4 matrix M:

r_11, r_12, r_13, r_21, r_22, r_23, r_31, r_32, r_33 = ...  # rotation
s_i, s_j, s_k = ...  # scaling (world units per voxel)
t_x, t_y, t_z = ...  # translation (world units)

M = [[r_11 * s_i, r_12 * s_j, r_13 * s_k, t_x],
     [r_21 * s_i, r_22 * s_j, r_23 * s_k, t_y],
     [r_31 * s_i, r_32 * s_j, r_33 * s_k, t_z],
     [         0,          0,          0,   1]]
M = np.asarray(M)

We may now use M to find for each voxel index [i, j, k] its respective position [x, y, z] in world coordinates:

homogeneous = lambda c3d: np.r_[c3d, 1]  # append 1 to 3D coordinate
x, y, z = M[:3] @ homogeneous([i, j, k])

Note that, as mentioned, we had to use homogeneous coordinates for the transformation, which explains why we append 1 for the voxel index's coordinate; however, by using only the first three rows of the transformation matrix M, our resulting world coordinate [x, y, z] consists of only three values, as one would expect.

… in terms of the patient?

What so far remains open, is, what does [x, y, z] stand for? We may well have a value in millimeters (or whatever world units are assumed/defined) by now, but we still do not know what the value means in terms of the imaged patient's anatomy. For this reason, medical image formats define the world coordinate system's axes relative to the patient's body axes:

  • one world axis points along the patient's left–right axis and therefore its value increases when moving from the patient's left side to their right side – or vice versa,
  • one world axis points along the patient's anterior–posterior axis and therefore its value increases when moving from the patient's front to their back – or vice versa,
  • one world axis points along the patient's superior–inferior axis and therefore its value increases when moving from the patient's head to their feet – or vice versa.

This may be encapsulated in a definition like "left-posterior-superior (LPS)" or "right-anterior-superior (RAS)". In the "LPS" case, this means "x increases to the left (L), y increases to the back (P as in posterior), z increases to the head (S as in superior)"; in the "RAS" case, this means "x increases to the right (R), y increases to the front (A as in anterior), z increases to the head (S as in superior)". Such a definition of mapping from world coordinate system axes to the patient's anatomy is either implicitly assumed by a particular image format (for example, DICOM uses LPS, NIfTI uses RAS) or explicity stored in the image volume's meta information (NRRD defines the space field in its header for that purpose). Notice we still don't know where we are absolutely positioned within the patient (the origin of the coordinate system is usually defined with respect to some point in the imaging modality, as far as I know), but at least we now have a relative understanding of what a voxel index means with respect to the patient's anatomy.

How can we simplify this in practice?

A remaining open issue is a more practical one: what if we want to display or process an image volume in a certain anatomical orientation? Say, we want to display axial slices of the patient (i.e. slices perpendicular to their superior–inferior axis) or apply a certain image filter along its left–right axis – do we always have to consult the mapping M from voxel indices to world coordinates (or rather, its inverse) in order to find the necessary voxel indices?

Theoretically, indeed we have to do this: notice that a definition like "LPS" does not tell us that the first voxel index increases from the patient's right to their left. For example, if our transformation matrix M looks something like:

M = np.asarray([[0, 0, 1, 0],
                [0, 1, 0, 0],
                [1, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 1]])

then voxel index i will actually increase with the z coordinate of the world coordinate system (which, remember, in the case of RAS and LPS means moving towards the patient's head):

i, j, k = 1, 0, 0
x, y, z = M[:3] @ homogeneous([i, j, k])
print("x={}, y={}, z={}".format(x, y, z))
# x=0, y=0, z=1

But couldn't we rearrange the voxel array, aligning it with the world coordinate system so that we can be sure increasing voxel index i indeed always means moving to the patient's right side (for an RAS world) or left side (for an LPS world)? We can – precisely, if the rotational part of M contains zeros, ones, and minus ones only; approximately, if it contains arbitrary rotations. And that is where the Volume class comes into play.

The Volume Class

MVloader represents all loaded image volumes as instances of the Volume class.

Volume serves as an abstraction layer to handle transformations from voxel indices to arbitrary anatomical world coordinate systems. In particular

  1. the user may choose each Volume's anatomical world coordinate system independent of the underlying file format's world coordinate system, and
  2. Volume provides a voxel representation (called aligned_data) with the voxel axes aligned as closely as possible to the user's choice of anatomical world coordinate system. This representation simplifies visualizing volumes in almost correct anatomical orientation (see above) and processing data differently and consistently along different body axes.

Voxel data representations

Each Volume instance provides two representations of the image volume's voxel data as three-dimensional NumPy arrays:

  • src_data provides the voxels in the same order as they have been returned by the underlying image library. Specifically, if temporal and/or multiple data dimensions (i.e. vector data) are present, the spatial dimensions will also remain along the same axes in which they have been returned by the underlying image library.
  • aligned_data provides the voxels with their axes aligned as closely as possible to the anatomical world coordinate system that has been chosen by the user. If temporal and/or multiple data dimensions (i.e. vector data) are present, the spatial dimensions are brought to the front, the others brought to the back, with the latter keeping their original order. For example, if the user chooses an "LPS" anatomical world coordinate system (meaning that the first coordinate axis will point to the patient's left side, the second axis will point to their back, and the third will point towards their head), then aligned_data[1, 0, 0] will lie to the left of aligned_data[0, 0, 0], aligned_data[0, 1, 0] will lie closer to the patient's back, and aligned_data[0, 0, 1] will lie closer to their head.

Transformation matrix representations

Each Volume instance provides three 4×4 transformation matrices to map from voxel indices to anatomical world coordinates:

  • src_transformation maps from src_data's voxel indices to the world coordinate system that has been assumed by the underlying image format (which is provided via Volume's src_system property).
  • aligned_transformation maps from aligned_data's voxel indices to the world coordinate system that has been chosen by the user (which is provided via Volume's system property).
  • src_to_aligned_transformation maps from src_data's voxel indices to the world coordinate system that has been chosen by the user (namely system).

Apart from that, the mappings from src_data and aligned_data to arbitrary anatomical world coordinate systems can be determined via Volume's methods get_src_transformation() and get_aligned_transformation().

Choosing a world coordinate system

By default, all Volume instances are created so that the user-chosen anatomical world coordinate system is "RAS". This may be adjusted via the Volume's system property. All common choices, such as "RAS", "LAS", and "LPS", but also more "exotic" ones like

volume.system = "IAR"  # 1st axis: inferior, 2nd: anterior, 3rd: right

are possible here. Technically, all permutations of {A,P}, {I,S}, {L,R} may be provided to system as a (case-insensitive) three-character string. Any update of system will update the aligned_data voxel data, the respective voxel size information, and the transformation matrices accordingly.

An example

We create a new Volume instance:

import numpy as np
from mvloader.volume import Volume

# Create a simple 10×10×10 volume
given_voxels = np.arange(1000).reshape(10, 10, 10)
# No rotations or translations from the provided voxel indices to the
# provided anatomical world coordinate system ...
given_voxels2given_world = np.eye(4)
# ... which we assume is DICOM-style ("LPS")
given_world = "LPS"
# However, as we prefer to work with NIfTI-style world coordinates, our
# user choice is "RAS"
our_world = "RAS"

volume = Volume(src_voxel_data=given_voxels,

In a real application, both src_transformation and src_system are usually not our choice, but the result of loading a particular image of a particular format (see Loading Images below). In our example, by setting src_transformation to an identity matrix, we know that the src_system's world coordinate origin must lie at voxel index [0, 0, 0], which we can easily check:

homogeneous = lambda c3d: np.r_[c3d, 1]  # append 1 to 3D coordinate

voxels2world = volume.src_transformation
world2voxels = np.linalg.inv(voxels2world)

world_origin = homogeneous([0, 0, 0])
voxel_index_of_world_origin = world2voxels[:3] @ world_origin

# [0. 0. 0.]

As we chose the voxel data as np.arange(1000).reshape(10, 10, 10), the value at voxel index [0, 0, 0] is zero. As voxel index [0, 0, 0] coincides with the world coordinate system's origin (see above), this means that the value at the world coordinate sytem's origin is zero:

voxel_index_of_world_origin = tuple(voxel_index_of_world_origin.astype(np.int))
# 0

Now, as we seem to prefer working with RAS rather than LPS coordinates (remember that we chose system=our_world with our_world="RAS" above), things are different with aligned_data, which is the voxel data representation whose axes are more or less aligned with our chosen world coordinate system's axes: the world coordinate system's origin does not lie at aligned_data's voxel index [0, 0, 0]. Indeed, as aligned_data's voxel indices along axis 0 should increase when moving to the right of the patient (rather than to their left like in src_system, which is "LPS"), and its indices along axis 1 should increase when moving to the patient's front (rather than their back), while the origin should still mark the same voxel (the one with value 0), the origin must now lie at the greatest voxel index along these two axes, which is index 9 (recall that the voxel data shape is (10, 10, 10)):

voxels2world = volume.aligned_transformation
world2voxels = np.linalg.inv(voxels2world)
voxel_index_of_world_origin = world2voxels[:3] @ world_origin
# [9. 9. 0.]

We can easily check that the voxel data at the world coordinate origin remains the same in aligned_data as in src_data:

print(volume.src_volume[0, 0, 0] == volume.aligned_volume[9, 9, 0])
# True

This index shift is reflected in the translational part of aligned_transformation – in order to get from aligned_data's voxel indices to "RAS" world coordinates, we must subtract 9 in coordinate axis 0 and 1:

# [[ 1.  0.  0. -9.]
#  [ 0.  1.  0. -9.]
#  [ 0.  0.  1.  0.]
#  [ 0.  0.  0.  1.]]

Thus, in case an axis direction is swapped (e.g. from "L" to "R") the world coordinate system's origin will remain in the same voxel position. However, as the voxel position will also change (with the respective voxel axis being reversed), the offset part of the resulting transformation matrix may look hugely different.

As src_transformation is an identity matrix and as both anatomical world coordinate systems have the same order of axes (first axis: left–right, second axis: anterior–posterior, third axis: superior–inferior) the mapping from src_data to our choice of world coordinate system, which is provided via src_to_aligned_transformation, almost remains an identity matrix as well. However, as the first two axes are flipped, we find a -1 rather than a 1 there:

# [[-1.  0.  0.  0.]
#  [ 0. -1.  0.  0.]
#  [ 0.  0.  1.  0.]
#  [ 0.  0.  0.  1.]]

If we wish to do so, we may now choose an "exotic" anatomical world coordinate system, and everything will be adjusted accordingly:

volume.system = "IAR"

voxels2world = volume.aligned_transformation
world2voxels = np.linalg.inv(voxels2world)
voxel_index_of_world_origin = world2voxels[:3] @ world_origin
# [9. 9. 9.]

# [[ 1.  0.  0 -9.]
#  [ 0.  1.  0 -9.]
#  [ 0.  0.  1 -9.]
#  [ 0.  0.  0  1.]]

As we now swapped all coordinate axes and reversed the order of axes compared to our identity transformation matrix src_transformation, the rotational part of the mapping src_to_aligned_transformation is now a flipped, negated identity matrix:

# [[ 0.  0. -1.  0.]
#  [ 0. -1.  0.  0.]
#  [-1.  0.  0.  0.]
#  [ 0.  0.  0.  1.]]

Still, the voxel data is correctly moving along:

print(volume.src_volume[0, 0, 0] == volume.aligned_volume[9, 9, 9])
# True

Loading Images

Loading and stacking DICOM images

Loading DICOM files requires the pydicom package. Currently, loading multiple files with 2D slices that together form a 3D volume holding scalar data is supported.

To load DICOM files in the folder /foo and stack them into a Volume instance, call:

volume = dicom.open_stack("/foo")

In this case, the alphanumerically first loadable DICOM file and all files with the same Series Instance UID (0020,000E) in the folder /foo will be stacked.

We can also specify a file directly, e.g. /foo/bar.dcm:

volume = dicom.open_stack("/foo/bar.dcm")

In this case, all files in the folder /foo that share their Series Instance UID with bar.dcm will be stacked.

As a third option, we can specify an archive, e.g. /foo/bar.tbz:

volume = dicom.open_stack("/foo/bar.tbz")

In this case, the alphanumerically first loadable DICOM file and all files with the same Series Instance UID (0020,000E) from the archive bar.tbz will be stacked.

In any case, stacking will not take the loaded file names into account but use the files' position and orientation information (Image Position (Patient) (0020,0032) and Image Orientation (Patient) (0020,0037)) to determine their stacking order – which is, in fact, the only meaningful way of stacking DICOM files.

For more options, see the documentation of the mvloader.dicom module.

Loading NIfTI images

Loading NIfTI files requires the nibabel package. Loading 3D volumes (both .nii and .nii.gz) with an arbitrary number of dimensions (i.e. scalar data, vector data, temporal data) is supported.

To load the file /foo/bar.nii into a Volume instance, call:

volume = nifti.open_image("/foo/bar.nii")

For more options, see the documentation of the mvloader.nifti module.

Loading NRRD images

Loading NRRD files requires the pynrrd package. Currently, loading 3D volumes with scalar data and with a defined patient-based coordinate system is supported. This means that

  • the NRRD header's space, space directions, and space origin fields must be present, and
  • the space field's value must be "right-anterior-superior", "left-anterior-superior", "left-posterior-superior", "RAS", "LAS", or "LPS". Furthermore,
  • if the kinds field is present, all of its entries must be either "domain" or "space".

To load the file /foo/bar.nrrd into a Volume instance, call:

volume = nrrd.open_image("/foo/bar.nrrd")

For more options, see the documentation of the mvloader.nrrd module.

Saving Images

Saving DICOM images is currently not supported (and most likely won't be in the foreseeable future).

Saving NIfTI and NRRD images

Saving NIfTI and NRRD images works pretty much the same.

Saving NumPy array data

If the voxel data is present as a NumPy array, one might use save_image:

nifti.save_image(path, data, transformation)
nrrd.save_image(path, data, transformation, system)

Here, path is the file path, data is the three-dimensional array containing the voxel data, and transformation is a matrix that maps from data's voxel indices to an anatomical world coordinate system – "RAS" in the case of NIfTI and also by default in the case of NRRD.

However, as the NRRD format allows to specify other coordinate systems, nrrd.save_image() has an additional parameter, system, which may be used to specify a different anatomical world coordinate system for the saved image.

Saving Volume instance data

If the image data is available as a Volume instance, one might prefer using save_volume:

nifti.save_volume(path, volume, src_order)
nrrd.save_volume(path, volume, src_order, src_system)

Here, path is again the file path, and volume is the Volume instance to be saved. Additionally, src_order is a boolean that determines the order of the voxels to be saved: if True, voxels will be sorted as in volume.src_data; if False, voxels will be sorted as in volume.aligned_data.

Again, the NRRD function has an additional parameter for choosing the anatomical world coordinate system: if src_system is True, the function will try to use volume.src_system as the saved image's anatomical world coordinate system; if False, the function will try to use volume.system instead. Why try to? Because not all coordinate system's supported by Volume are supported by the NRRD format (and vice versa). Thus, if an unsupported system is detected, nrrd.save_volume will silently use "RAS" – with a correctly adjusted transformation matrix, of course.

For more options, see the documentation of the respective save_* functions.


A big thank you to Simon Andermatt for initiating and contributing to the support of vector-valued images.



When NIfTI files are loaded and Nibabel returns a memmap rather than a plain ndarray, we keep that now for both Volume.src_data and Volume.aligned_data. Thanks again to Simon Andermatt!


Rename Volume.src_volume to Volume.src_data and Volume.aligned_volume to Volume.aligned_data, to make it clear that these properties do not return another Volume instance but the actual voxel data.

Aliases with the old names are provided for backward compatibility. These may be removed some time in the future.


Support for DICOM stacks that are packed in archives (zip, tar.gz, or tar.bz2).


Support for temporal dimension and vector data in NIfTI images.


Updated the import of pydicom to handle both pydicom < 1.0 and pydicom ≥ 1.0 (cf. pydicom's transition guide).


I rewrote critical parts of the Volume class; in particular, boundary cases where a rotation results in mapping two axes to the same axis in anatomical_coords.find_closest_permutation_matrix should now be handled properly. Also: more tests.


MVloader resulted from my PhD work. The different parts grew between 2011 and now, as part of my actual, still unreleased PhD project (cordial – the cord image analyzer) and should work pretty stable by now. I decided to make MVloader a self-contained package, as I thought it might be helpful to others who also struggle with loading medical image volumes and handling their coordinate systems. Before uploading, I ported everything from Python 2 to Python 3.5+, adjusted namings, and expanded the documentation. I hope I did not introduce any bugs on the way (a test suite is unfortunately still missing) – if you find any, please let me know.