
Composable algorithmic transformations in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JavaScript library for composable algorithmic transformations.

Heavily inspired by Clojure Transducers, in case it was not obvious enough.

Be warned: Still in very early stage of development. Use at your own risk.


Using transducers decouples data transformations from the actual data being transformed so that they can be easily composed and reused.


npm install --save spicy-transducers
# or
yarn add spicy-transducers

Function Docs

Functions are grouped and exported based on the data type that they operate on.


Name Usage Notes
chain chain(fn1, fn1, ...fnN)(value) Chain n functions and provide the initial value to be passed.
constant constant(value) Creates a constant function.
fallback fallback(fallbackValue)(testValue) Enables you to always have a fallback value if testValue is null or undefined.
identity identity(value) An identity function.


Name Usage Notes
map map(mapFunction)(array) Map function can use the same signature as Array.prototype.map().
reduce reduce(reduceFunction, defaultValue)(array) Reduce function can have the same signature as Array.prototype.reduce().
reduceRight reduce(reduceFunction, defaultValue)(array) Same as Array.prototype.reduceRight().
pop pop(array) Returns a new array, with the previous head removed.
push push(value)(array) Returns a new array, with the new value pushed as the head.
head head(array) Returns the first element from the array.
tail tail(array) Returns all elements except the first one (the head.)
get get(index)(array)
set set(index, value)(array)
update update(index, updateFn)(array) The update function will get the current value of the specified index as it’s argument.


Name Usage
getNthFrom get(array)(index)


Name Usage Notes
callMethod call(methodName)(argument1, argument2, ...argumentN)(object) Make sure the method exists, otherwise TypeError: value[methodName] is not a function.
values values(object) Uses Object.keys()
entries entries(object) Uses Object.entries()
keys keys(object) Uses Object.keys()
get get(key)(object)
set set(key, value)(object)
update update(key, updateFn)(object) The update function will get the current value of the specified key as it’s argument.
delete delete(key)(object)

Usage Examples

Let’s say you have an object { q1: Number, q2: Number, q3: Number, q4: Number } which represents the number of sales per quarter. You want to:

  1. Flatten this structure
  2. Multiply the number of sales by their price of $99.99
  3. Sum the total profits

Let’s see how some of the functions exported by this module can help you build a reusable transducer for this data.

  import { chain, map, reduce , values } from 'spicy-transducers'; 
  const sales = { q1: 33, q2: 12, q3: 40, q4: 65 }; // our input data
  const toPrice = _ => _ * 99.99; // our multiplier
  const add = (acc, _) => acc + _; // our sum function
  const profitsTransducer = chain(
    reduce(add, 0)
  const result = profitsTransducers(sales); // => 14998.5



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