AWS Image conversion pipeline



Note: This stack has only been tested in us-east-1. I can't predict if it's 100% going to work in other regions.

  1. Install: cd backend; npm i
  2. Deploy (Note: Docker needs to run in order to package Lambdas):
npx cdk deploy '*' --profile [your AWS profile] --require-approval never --parameters FromEmailAddress=[your email address]


npx cdk deploy '*' --profile staging-us --require-approval never --parameters

Important: The email address you provide will be used as the email sender (FROM field). In order to simply have 1 email to verify through AWS SES, please reuse that same email address in the frontend application (SES sandbox will not allow using unverified email addresses for either the FROM and TO fields).

  1. In the stack outputs, look for the API Gateway endpoint, e.g.:
BackendStack.myapiEndpoint8EB17201 =
  1. Look for SES verification email in inbox for [your email address]. Click on link in email to validate email address in SES.


  1. Install: cd frontend; npm i
  2. Modify the .env file to include the API Gateway endpoint and same email address used to setup Backend, e.g.:
  1. Start app: npm start
  2. Open app (typically http://localhost:3000)
  3. Choose picture and upload.
  4. Open inbox for [your email address] to find email with converted image

Note: Email with converted image may land in your spam folder.