
Deep learning courses and projects

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository holds some personal projects in applying deep learning to satellite imagery/Remote Sensing. My interest is in Land Cover/Land use applications and object detecion.

Land Use / Land Cover Classification

  1. Austin Zoning Satellite Images - How to classify the zoning of satellite pictures of the city of Austin?

Zoning Code Sample

The Austin Zoning Satellite Images dataset is hosted in Kaggle. It is small dataset(3667 satellite images) with a well defined and fine grained classification labels. Training the dataset with a simple convolution Neural Network (CNN) results in almost 0.90 accuracy.

Notebook and Data availabe as Kaggle Kernel here: https://www.kaggle.com/shakasom/austin-zoning-classification-cnn-keras .

Zoning Codes Guide http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Planning/zoning_guide.pdf .

Zoning district description http://www.austintexas.gov/page/zoning-districts

  1. Eurosat Classification -

Object Detection