
define events in time and display upcoming ones

Primary LanguageScheme


define events in time and display upcoming ones

configuration file


line format

time id options ...

supported daytime formats are hour:minute:seconds and kiloseconds of the day (default). the supported calendar date format is the iso date format yyyy-mm-dd. all times are currently utc+0 but there will be an option for local time soon

28.8 meeting weekday 1
24 eat interval 10 duration 0.6
"20:00" sleep
22 work end 55 weekday (1 2 3 4)
"00:00" day end "24:00"
42 each-second-day interval 2 interval-unit day
"2017-12-13" test title "an event"
"2017-12-13 28.8" test2 end "2017-12-14 8:00:12" title "another event"
(unquote uptime-start) variable-test end (unquote (+ 2000 uptime-start))
84 special-day depends (and (not work) (or test test2))

many kinds of event series can be defined. multiple definitions with the same id are treated as additional occurrences of the same event and merged


line/event: time id option-name/option-value ...
time-date: string:"yyyy-mm-dd"
time-day: integer:day-ks/string:"hh[:mm[:ss]]"
time: time-day/time-date/"time-date time-day"/id
id: symbol

the syntax is scheme syntax, lines can be commented with ";"

;42 each-second-day interval 2 interval-unit day


end: time
duration: integer
interval: integer
interval-unit: seconds/id/(id ...)
weekday: integer/(integer ...)
title: string
depends: id/(id ...)/(or/and/not depends ...)
start-base: id/(id ...)



  • guile >= 2
  • sph-lib



see ./exe/install --help for more options




create a configuration file with the path "$HOME/.config/sph/upcoming" and define your events in there, each line an event. then start a server with "upcoming --server". once the server is running, use "upcoming" and other options to query events

$ upcoming --help
  options ... event-ids ...
  filter events in time with event definitions from a configuration file.
  first start a server with "upcoming --server". if the server is running, use "upcoming" and other options to query events.
  event definitions are loaded from the configuration file "/home/nonroot/.config/sph/upcoming"
  --about | -a
  --active[=integer] | -c [integer]  select up to n active events
  --config=string  use a different configuration file for the server
  --format=value  ks, hms, data-space, data-scm, data-csv
  --help | -h
  --limit=integer  include at most n repetitions of distinct event ids
  --next[=integer] | -n [integer]  select up to n future events
  --previous[=integer] | -p [integer]  select up to n past events
  --server | -s  start a server that answers event queries

by default active events and the next event are shown

display format

upcoming displays a table with event information. the table can be parsed easily by other programs to select relevant information


active: > past, * active, < future event
start-diff: the time until or since the start of the event
end-diff: the time until or since the end of the event
start: the date and time when the event starts. if no date is displayed it means the current day
id: event id
upcoming --next=4 --previous=2 --limit=1 --format=ks

ks (default)

active diff-start diff-end duration start end id
> -9.03 -8.43 0.6 54 54 eat
> -21.03 -20.83 0.2 42 42 each-second-day
* -218.82 1781.17 2000 2017-09-20:17 2017-10-13:29 variable-test
* -63.03 23.36 86.39 0 86 day
< 0.96 1.56 0.6 64 64 eat
< 8.96 9.16 0.2 72 72 sleep
< 23.36 109.76 86.39 2017-09-23:0 2017-09-23:86 day
< 40.37 2040.37 2000 2017-09-23:17 2017-10-16:29 variable-test


active diff-start diff-end duration start end id
> -02:31:25 -02:21:25 00:10:00 15:00:00 15:10:00 eat
> -05:51:25 -05:48:05 00:03:20 11:40:00 11:43:20 each-second-day
* -60:47:59 494:45:21 555:33:20 2017-09-20:04:43:26 2017-10-13:08:16:46 variable-test
* -17:31:25 06:28:34 23:59:59 00:00:00 23:59:59 day
< 00:15:15 00:25:15 00:10:00 17:46:40 17:56:40 eat
< 02:28:35 02:31:55 00:03:20 20:00:00 20:03:20 sleep
< 06:28:35 30:28:34 23:59:59 2017-09-23:00:00:00 2017-09-23:23:59:59 day
< 11:12:01 566:45:21 555:33:20 2017-09-23:04:43:26 2017-10-16:08:16:46 variable-test


#(-1 -9100 -8500 600 1506092400 1506093000 eat ((id . eat) (start . 24) (interval . 10) (duration . 0.6)))
#(-1 -21100 -20900 200 1506080400 1506080600 each-second-day ((id . each-second-day) (start . 42) (interval . 2) (interval-unit . day)))
#(0 -218894 1781106 2000000 1505882606 1507882606 variable-test ((id . variable-test) (start . 17.006610000000002) (end . 2017.00661)))
#(0 -63100 23299 86399 1506038400 1506124799 day ((id . day) (start . "00:00") (end . "23:59:59")))
#(1 900 1500 600 1506102400 1506103000 eat ((id . eat) (start . 24) (interval . 10) (duration . 0.6)))
#(1 8900 9100 200 1506110400 1506110600 sleep ((id . sleep) (start . "20:00")))
#(1 23300 109699 86399 1506124800 1506211199 day ((id . day) (start . "00:00") (end . "23:59:59")))
#(1 40306 2040306 2000000 1506141806 1508141806 variable-test ((id . variable-test) (start . 17.006610000000002) (end . 2017.00661)))


-1,-9111,-8511,600,1506092400,1506093000,"eat","((id . eat) (start . 24) (interval . 10) (duration . 0.6))"
-1,-21111,-20911,200,1506080400,1506080600,"each-second-day","((id . each-second-day) (start . 42) (interval . 2) (interval-unit . day))"
0,-218905,1781095,2000000,1505882606,1507882606,"variable-test","((id . variable-test) (start . 17.006610000000002) (end . 2017.00661))"
0,-63111,23288,86399,1506038400,1506124799,"day","((id . day) (start . 00:00) (end . 23:59:59))"
1,889,1489,600,1506102400,1506103000,"eat","((id . eat) (start . 24) (interval . 10) (duration . 0.6))"
1,8889,9089,200,1506110400,1506110600,"sleep","((id . sleep) (start . 20:00))"
1,23289,109688,86399,1506124800,1506211199,"day","((id . day) (start . 00:00) (end . 23:59:59))"
1,40295,2040295,2000000,1506141806,1508141806,"variable-test","((id . variable-test) (start . 17.006610000000002) (end . 2017.00661))"

possible enhancements

  • localtime
  • custom strptime time format
  • "blocks" option. use case "vacation blocks work"


event functions return a list of event objects for a time span relative to a given time

f(time, offset-start, offset-end) -> (event ...)

this turned out to work generically.

pseudocode example

days(tuesday, -1, 0) -> {name: monday, start: timestamp, end: timestamp}

configuration lines are converted to event functions, which are then applied with appropriate offsets and result event lists are subsequently filtered