Toy OS written for fun

This is an OS written as part of my twitch stream. See development live at or on youtube at

There is no real goal, other than understanding computers better. We will implement what we feel like, when we feel like, with no expectations

Current state

  • Boots
  • Memory allocation
  • Async/Await
  • Serial Logging
  • Unit testing
  • RTC (clock)
  • PCI
  • Ethernet
  • ARP
  • UDP
  • TCP (kinda)
  • HTTP
  • Graphics
  • Keyboard
  • Multicore
  • USB (1.1, no hub, mouse only)


Dependencies are tracked by shell.nix (to an extent)

Set up a tap device for host<->guest networking, e.g.

nmcli connection add type tun ifname tap0 con-name tap0 mode tap owner `id -u` ipv4.method manual ip4

Check environment variables in for configuration

cargo run --release