
Run arbitrary code on arbitrary graphs!

Primary LanguageElixir


Run arbitrary code on arbitrary graphs!

Given a degree sequence and a GenServer, Exekiel:

  • does an initial check to see if the sequence is graphical (Havel-Hakimi algorithm)
  • builds the undirected, unlabeled graph
  • adds each vertex to a DynamicSupervisor (PoolManager)
  • sends to each vertex its adjacency list of pids (see below: :set_node_list)
  • can run arbitrary on one or all nodes of the graph

Please add

  def handle_call(:localstate, _, state) do
    {:reply, state, state}

  def handle_cast({:set_node_list, pids}, state) do
    {:noreply, {state, pids}}

to your GenServer.

alt exekiel