
This repository contains the Fabric and Visualizer projects implemented following the micro-apps style of building apps in Fabric and Visualizer.


This zip file is a Visualizer project, a microapp for holding the resources that will be used commonly across all the microapps. This does not have dependency on any other microapps.


This zip file is a Visualizer project, a microapp for holding the common UI elements, like skins, themes, templates, components, that will be used commonly across all the microapps. This microapp has a dependency on ResourcesMA microapps.


This zip file is a Visualizer project, a microapp for the Login functionality. This microapp has a dependency on CommonsMA microapps. This microapp will be linked into the EdificationBankCA composite app.


This zip file is a Visualizer project, a microapp for the Accounts functionality. This microapp has a dependency on CommonsMA microapps. This microapp will be linked into the EdificationBankCA composite app.


This is a composite app. This composite app does not have any functionality built into it. This composite app, will have links to AuthenticationMA and AccountsMA microapps.


AuthenticationMA (v1.0).zip

This zip file is a Fabric microapp, a microapp for Login functionality, it will have identity services defined as part of this Fabric microapp. This Fabric microapp will be linked to the Visualizer AuthenticationMA microapp.

AccountsMA (v1.0).zip

This zip file is a Fabric microapp, a microapp for Accounts functionality, it will have integration services defined as part of this Fabric microapp. This Fabric microapp will be linked to the Visualizer AccountsMA microapp.

EdificationBankCA (v1.0).zip

This is a composite Fabric app. This composite app does not have any services built into it. This composite app, will have links to AuthenticationMA and AccountsMA microapps.


Environment used for developing these Visualizer and Fabric apps

V9SP5 version of Visualizer and Fabric.