2024 .NET version 1.0 map
// Create a new Kernel builder
IKernelBuilder builder = Kernel.CreateBuilder();
Semantic Kernel allows you to add and swap out different AI services depending on your needs. In addition to Azure OpenAI and OpenAI, Semantic Kernel supports Google Gemini, MistralAI, Ollama, local models, and more
// Azure OpenAI example
builder.AddAzureOpenAIChatCompletion(AOAI_DEP_NAME, AOAI_ENDPOINT, AOAI_KEY);
// OpenAI example
builder.AddOpenAIChatCompletion(OAI_MODEL_NAME, OAI_KEY);
// other modalities
// other services
builder.AddGoogleAIGeminiChatCompletion(GG_DEP_NAME, GG_DEP_KEY);
builder.AddMistralChatCompletion(MAI_MODEL_ID, MAI_KEY);
builder.AddOllamaChatCompletion(OLLAMA_MODEL_ID, OLLAMA_URI);
builder.AddOnnxRuntimeGenAIChatCompletion(ONNX_MODEL_ID, ONNX_MODEL_PATH);
Plugins are a way to extend the functionality of the kernel. Plugins are added differently depending on where they are stored.
// Import of OpenAPI (most common)
var plugin = await OpenApiKernelPluginFactory.CreateFromOpenApiAsync(
pluginName: "WeatherForecast",
uri: new Uri($"http://localhost:5134/swagger/v1/swagger.json")
// Import from Type
// SEE: TimePlugin defined below
// Add from Object
builder.Plugins.AddFromObject(new MyPlugin());
// Import from File Directory
// Set the level of tracing for each service
ILogger logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole()).CreateLogger("SemanticKernel");
// Setup logger using the telemetry package and attach to service
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IPromptRenderFilter, PromptRenderLoggingFilter>();
// Building the kernel attaches everything from the previous steps
Kernel kernel = builder.Build();
Semantic Kernel offers several memory store connectors to vector databases that you can use to store and retrieve information. Including Azure AI Search, Azure SQL Database, Azure CosmosDB, Chroma, DuckDB, Milvus, MongoDB Atlas, Pinecone, Postgres, Qdrant, Redis, Sqlite, Weaviate and more.
// Construct and in-memory vector store
var vectorStore = new InMemoryVectorStore();
// Get or create a collection
IVectorStoreRecordCollection<ulong, Glossary> collection = vectorStore.GetCollection<ulong, Glossary>("skglossary");
await collection.CreateCollectionIfNotExistsAsync();
// Create an embeddings generation service
var textEmbeddingService = new AzureOpenAITextEmbeddingGenerationService(AOAI_EMBEDDING_DEP_NAME, AOAI_ENDPOINT, AOAI_KEY);
// Generate embeddings
var entries = Glossary.ContentEntriesLists();
var tasks = entries.Select(async entry =>
entry.DefinitionEmbedding = await textEmbeddingService.GenerateEmbeddingAsync(entry.Term);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
// Upsert the entries into the collection and return their keys
var upsertKeys = await Task.WhenAll(entries.Select(async entry =>
return await collection.UpsertAsync(entry);
// Search the collection using a vector search
var searchString = "What is Semantic Kernel?";
var searchVector = await textEmbeddingService.GenerateEmbeddingAsync(searchString);
var searchResults = await collection.VectorizedSearchAsync(searchVector);
var resultRecord = await searchResults.Results.FirstAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"Search result (score: {resultRecord.Score}): '{resultRecord.Record.Definition}'");
Prompts are a way to interact with the kernel using natural language. Prompts can be used to ask questions, get information, or execute functions.
// Invoke a basic prompt (this prompt will call a function)
var result = await kernel.InvokePromptAsync("Tell me about GenAI");
// Templated prompt using handlebars
result = await kernel.InvokePromptAsync("The current time is {{TimeInformation.GetCurrentUtcTime}}.");
// Templated prompt with Kernel arguments
KernelArguments arguments = new() {{"topic", "Dogs"}};
result = await kernel.InvokePromptAsync("Tell me about {{$topic}}", arguments);
// Define settings for the prompt, this setting will allow the prompt to automatically execute functions
OpenAIPromptExecutionSettings settings = new () {
FunctionChoiceBehavior = FunctionChoiceBehavior.Auto()
result = await kernel.InvokePromptAsync("How many days until Christmas? Explain you thinking.", new(settings));
ChatCompletionService is a common way to interact with the models
var chatService = kernel.GetRequiredService<IChatCompletionService>();
var chatHistory = new ChatHistory("You are a librarian, expert about books");
// Add a user message
chatHistory.AddUserMessage("Hi, I'm looking for book suggestions");
// Get a response from the service
var reply = await chatService.GetChatMessageContentAsync(chatHistory);
// Or stream a response
await foreach (StreamingChatMessageContent chatUpdate in chatService.GetStreamingChatMessageContentsAsync(chatHistory)) {
// Define Plugin
class TimeInformation
[Description("Get the current time in UTC")]
public string GetCurrentUtcTime() => DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("R");
class MyPlugin
[Description("Get Information about Semantic Kernel")]
public string GetSKInfo() => "Semantic Kernel is a powerful AI service that allows you to build and deploy AI models in a few lines of code.";
class PromptRenderLoggingFilter : IPromptRenderFilter
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public PromptRenderLoggingFilter(ILogger logger) => _logger = logger;
public async Task OnPromptRenderAsync(PromptRenderContext context, Func<PromptRenderContext, Task> next)
await next(context);
_logger.LogInformation($"Prompt: {context.RenderedPrompt}");
context.RenderedPrompt = ValidateWithPromptShields(context.RenderedPrompt);
private string ValidateWithPromptShields(string? renderedPrompt)
return renderedPrompt?.Replace("bananas", "*******") ?? string.Empty;
class Glossary
public static List<Glossary> ContentEntriesLists()
// Generate a list of Glossary entries
return new List<Glossary>
new Glossary { Key = 1, Term = "Azure", Definition = "A cloud computing service created by Microsoft", DefinitionEmbedding = null },
new Glossary { Key = 2, Term = "OpenAI", Definition = "An artificial intelligence research lab", DefinitionEmbedding = null },
new Glossary { Key = 3, Term = "Semantic Kernel", Definition = "A powerful AI service that allows you to build and deploy AI models in a few lines of code", DefinitionEmbedding = null }
public ulong Key { get; set; }
public required string Term { get; set; }
public required string Definition { get; set; }
public ReadOnlyMemory<float> DefinitionEmbedding { get; set; }