This repository is for saving pinned snippets from the #client-abuse, #help, #logging, #share-thy-code slack channels and any other important slack snippets from elsewhere for posterity.
If you want to contribute, please PR your additions.
The folder structure is broken into 6 primary categories:
- client-abuse
- classes
- globals
- logging
- misc
- prototypes
Each category is further divided into various languages
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Kotlin (only some categories)
Other languages are welcome (e.g. kotalin) if people want to share their code. Simply throw the file in a new language folder in the primary category.
For pull requests, we use GitConsensus to allow the community to vote whether to merge or not. Currently, any PR with 6+ votes and 75% of votes being upvotes will be merged 10 days after the final action on the PR. Quick merges occur immediately after 18 upvotes. See the repo's .gitconsensus.yaml for all the current rules.
Index of all current snippets
folder | name | author | Description |
JS | bitSet.js | warinternal | bit set class |
JS | class.RoomVisualCache_module.js | semperrabbit | RoomVisual cache |
JS | creepsSingingSongs.js | Lucifer | creeps singing songs |
JS | Es6LRUMapWithSizeAndTtl.js | warinternal | A cache that can exhibit both least recently used (LRU) and max time to live (TTL) eviction policies. |
JS | WorldPosition.js | warinternal | Uniform screeps world position with E0S0 as origin. |
folder | name | author | Description |
JS | inject_script_tag.js | semperrabbit | injects script tag |
JS | LoAN_tampermonkey_inject_for_any_client.js | semperrabbit | will attempt to load the LoAN tampermonkey code each global reset. |
JS | run_window.onTick()_inside_the_client_per_tick.js | semperrabbit | run window.onTick() inside the client per tick |
JS | saveAlliancesInMemory.js | semperrabbit | Inject alliance data into Memory.alliances |
JS | util.inject.Birthday.js | semperrabbit | shows room object birth dates based on their id |
JS | util.inject.RoomTracker.js | semperrabbit | Allows for the retrieval of rooms currently being viewed in the client from in-game code |
JS | util.inject.RoomViewNotifier.js | semperrabbit | adds currently viewed room to memory |
JS | util.inject.TEMPLATE.js | semperrabbit | template for injections |
folder | name | author | Description |
JS | adjust_CPU_limit_based_on_bucket_levels.js | semperrabbit | Adjust your CPU limit per tick based on current and target bucket levels |
JS | boostComponentsObject.js | shibdib | boost components |
JS | calculateTickTimeInGame.js | Kamots | Provides global.tickTime as seconds |
JS | command to clear in-game console.js | GimmeCookies | Clear the in-game console |
JS | determineFileFunctionLineWithinCode.js | knightshade | determine file, function, line within code |
JS | Global functions etc. example.js | maxion | example on how to use global |
JS | hasRespawned.js | semperrabbit | check if you just respawned |
JS | optimizedIsActive.js | tigga | a better OwnedStructure.isActive() |
JS | resourceColors.js | engineeryo | hex color codes for minerals, energy and power |
JS | respawn assist to clear memory and flags.js | semperrabbit | clears memory and flags |
JS | Reverse lookup tables for errors, colors, and resources.js | warinternal | reverse lookup tables for errors colors and resources |
JS | setTimeout_setInterval.js | semperrabbit | setTimeout() / setInterval() from JS, but it uses screeps ticks instead of ms |
JS | to get memory size.js | tyr | get memory size |
JS | voiceConsole.js | stybbe | say() but for real |
JS | tool.marketCalculator.js | BoosterKevin | help make decision about producing commodity documentation |
Cached dynamic properties.js | warinternal | cached properties | |
Entity Message Bus.js | warinternal | receive messages on room object | |
Memory segment emulation.js | dissi | segment emulator | |
queueAction() system.js | Helam | queue actions | |
upkeep_costs.js | warinternal | constants for upkeep of decaying structures |
folder | name | author | Description |
- | - | - | - |
folder | name | author | Description |
JS | actually commented evil tower code.js | daboross | lodash chain tower code |
JS | bunkerLayoutsHumanReadable.js | sparr | readable bunker layouts sample |
JS | Calculate Cost of a Mine.js | Gankdalf | mining cost calculations |
JS | Check if room is a source keeper room.js | issacar | check if room is a source keeper room |
JS | colors.js | dissi | visualize percentage with colors |
JS | get room type without visibility(but regex^^).js | enrico | get room type without visibility |
JS | Global Tracking.js | ags131 | track global age |
JS | how to delete the memory of dead creeps (in memoriam!).js | artritus | remove memory of dead creeps |
JS | Memory Cache.js | postcrafter | memory hack |
JS | minCutWallRampartsPlacement.js | saruss | calculate minCut in a room |
JS | Minimal Starting AI.js | WolfWings | example bot starting point |
JS | module.exports example.js | maxion | example on how to use module.exports |
JS | moveTo version supporting raw PathFinder arguments, and a moveByPath which directly reads serialized strings.js | daboross | see name |
JS | OwnedStructure Memory.js | warinternal | structure memory |
JS | powerCreepChatter.js | kittytack | power creeps saying things |
JS | protocolBufferStorage.js | daboross | metadata storage |
JS | pushdownAutomataStateMachine.js | warinternal | PDA implementation |
JS | Remote mining generator.js | domnomnom | generates a remote mine setup |
JS | Reset Memory to default.js | Doctor Zuber | clears memory |
JS | roomDescribe.js | engineeryo | get room type from room name |
JS | screeps_astar.js | tedivm | a* adapted to screeps |
JS | simple benchmarks.js | warinternal | Simple benchmark test with sanity check |
JS | Simplified grid class.js | warinternal | simple grid class |
JS | sos_lib_crypto.js | tedivm | crypto library for screeps |
JS | String encryption.js | warinternal | vernam chiper implementation |
JS | Uint8ArrayConversion.js | daboross | encoding and decoding strings to uint8 arrays for storage |
JS | Unicode directional arrows.js | warinternal | hex codes for unicode arrows for all directions |
JS | WorldPosition uniform global coordinate system.js | warinternal | Uniform screeps world position with E0S0 as origin. |
TS | Creep intent tracker.ts | unfleshedone | intent tracker implementation |
TS | moving.average.ts | unsleshedone | moving average implementation |
TS | Typescript roomScan.ts | crzytrane | room scanner? |
migrate room to | semperrabbit | how to migrate room to sim | |
screeps body | nitroevil | link to creep calculator | |
KT | DistanceTransform | Vipo | Algoritm for finding open areas in rooms |
KT | MinCut.kt | Vipo | Code for calculating the minCut in a room |
KT | VipoOS | Vipo | Example of a tiny OS solution for Screeps, written in Kotlin |
folder | name | author | Description |
JS/Creep | Creep action error handler.js | warinternal | log creep action error codes |
JS/Creep | Creep.getOffExit.js | engineeryo | move creep of room exits |
JS/Creep | Freshly minted getActiveBodyparts accounting for boosts!.js | daboross | see name |
JS/Creep | Idle_Suspend for creeps.js | proximo | idle creeps for a certain amount of ticks |
JS/Creep | prototype.Creep.moveToStandByPos.js | semperrabbit | park creeps in their parking spots |
JS/Creep | untitled_activeBodyparts.js | proximo | optimized Creep.getActiveBodyparts() |
JS/Creep | | semperrabbit | creeps singing |
JS/Room | prototype.Room.structures.js | semperrabbit | extends Room prototype with structures, also caching them |
JS/Room | Room.mineral.js | Helam | extends Room prototype with a mineral property including caching |
JS/RoomObject | Generalized target locking (with examples).js | warinternal | target locking for actors with memory |
JS/RoomObject | lookForNear.js | warinternal | extends RoomObject with .lookForNear() |
JS/RoomObject | lookNear.js | warinternal | extends RoomObject with .lookNear() |
JS/RoomObject | roomObjectSay.js | mototroller | say() on RoomObject |
JS/RoomPosition | findFirstInRange implementation for RoomPosition.js | proximo | findFirstInRange() for RoomPosition |
JS/RoomPosition | prototype.RoomPosition.toString_fromString.js | semperrabbit | better string functions for RoomPosition |
JS/RoomVisual | RawVisual Structures.js | ags131 | RoomVisuals for all structures |
JS/Source | Memory for Source (or other objects).js | w4rl0ck | adds memory to Source object |
JS/StructureLink | modified link.transferEnergy to prevent redundant multiple sends to the same target.js | helam | optimized StructureLink.transferEnergy() |
DefineProperty Tutorial.js | helam | see name | |
functionMiddleware.js | warinternal | Loops over only functions on the prototype and passes them to a callback function | |
Monkey Patching Tutorial.js | helam | see name | |
JS/Creep | excuseMe.js | Robalian | A set of functions that makes creeps tell other creeps to get out of the way using creep memory |
TS | excuseMe.ts | Robalian | A set of functions that makes creeps tell other creeps to get out of the way using creep memory |