
LoopBack mobile application to show developers how to use LoopBack Open Node.js Mobile API Middle tier

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

LoopBack Guide Application (for iOS)

The LoopBack Guide Application provides an easy-to-digest example application from UI to data and back again.


The Guide assumes you have XCode installed and a running Sample Application server.

  1. Clone the Guide Application: git clone https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-guide-app
  2. Open the project: open loopback-guide-app/LoopBackGuideApplication/LoopBackGuideApplication.xcodeproj/
  3. Now in XCode, run the Application with Cmd+R.

Using the Guide

Once you have the Guide running, flip through the pages and familiarize yourself with what the app does. From there, dive into the Objective-C and see how it does it. There are comments for everything.


Holler at us: callback@strongloop.com