The SPHINCS+ reference code, accompanying the submission to NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography project
- 0
Updated and compatible with SLH-DSA
#62 opened by joii2020 - 0
missing fclose
#61 opened by maddin200 - 1
SPHINCS+ v.3 vs v.3.1 submissions
#58 opened by livebe01 - 3
- 1
Api.h comment with key format is switched?
#53 opened by Muzosh - 1
SPHINCS+ update as per FIPS 205 initial draft
#56 opened by blakehartin - 2
sha3_512_inc_finalize in consistent-basew branch setting only 32 bytes instead of 64 bytes
#57 opened by DogeProtocol - 6
Dual licensing
#49 opened by dstebila - 2
Address Union Types
#54 opened by mberry - 0
32-bit compatibility
#46 opened by thomwiggers - 2
Upstream changes from PQClean
#3 opened by joostrijneveld - 0
something wrong while running benchmark.py
#41 opened by liuty-liuty - 2
- 1
- 1
Missing cycles.h file
#27 opened by joncmu - 0
Add ARM to CI
#25 opened by bwesterb - 5
Thread safety
#19 opened by bwesterb - 4
sha256_update8x slower than expected
#1 opened by OussamaDanba