
An opensource backdoor tool for connecting to machines and executing commands! This tool is for educational purposes and I am not responsible for any potentially malicious use.

Primary LanguagePython


An open-source backdoor tool for connecting to machines and executing commands!
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Spice.Net is a tool made for assistance with compromising and enumerating machines, as well as monitoring them and acting as a simple method to access said machine remotely. It uses python sockets to communicate between the compromised machine running Spice.Net and any other machine connecting using spice.net.


Here, I'll explain how to install, set up and use Spice.Net effectively.


To Install this, you can use the git command. If you don't have this command, you can install it with:

sudo apt install git

With the git command, you can install Spice.Net with:

git clone https://github.com/spicesouls/spice.net

Demonstration Of Installation

Setting Up

Setting up Spice.Net is as easy as the installation was, and can be done in as little as one line! Here it is:

cd spice.net; chmod +x setup.sh; ./setup.sh

Demonstration Of Setting Up

Backdooring The Machine

Now we have Spice.Net set up and ready, we can now plant a backdoor on our target machine! Once you've setup Spice.Net on your target machine, run victim.sh. This will host a Spice.Net service for you to connect back to! You can run victim.sh by simply using:


Demonstration Of Running victim.sh

Demonstration Of Running victim.sh

Connecting Through The Backdoor

Now we have the Spice.Net service running on our target machine, we can connect to the machine through this and use it as a backdoor! You can connect from any machine by running connect.sh. You can do this by using:


You will then be asked for the IP of the machine that is running Spice.Net, so you can choose which machine to connect to!

Demonstration Of Running connect.sh

Using Commands

Now that you are connected, you can now input commands to be executed! You can start by using the command help, this will list all commands available for use as well as how to use them. You can also use the command info to get basic information about the machine you are connected to.

Demonstration Of Using The 'info' Command


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