
Utilizes TheFrenchGhosty's YouTube archive scripts using the popular youtube-dl fork, yt-dlp.

What It Does

The containers either archive a Channel, Playlists, or Unique videos. The archiving process consists of downloading the video's metadata/information, description, comments, thumbnail, subtitles, and the highest quality version of that video.


Three containers are created one for Channels, Playlists, and Unique videos. Each container runs the specified script located under /container-scripts. In each folder under /container-scripts is a source text file which is where YouTube urls are inserted for downloading.

Each container type (channels, playlists, and unique) needs two folders.

  • type-data
  • type-output

The data folder for each type needs to contain source.txt file. In this file links to channels, playlists, and videos are placed. In the same data folder, yt-dlp will create an archive.log file which will store all downloaded video ids.

The output folder is mounted to the host incase the files cannot be copied to the final destination. yt-dlp adds the video id to the archive.log as soon as it's downloaded. To prevent the offchance that the container restarts and looses all downlaoded videos, the folder is mounted to the host.

Getting Started

Use the docker-compose.yml file to create the containers.


Use cron on the host server to execute docker start yt-archive-MODE on a schedule you see fit.