
Recipes for LACK, the Linux Appliance Construction Kit

What is LACK?

LACK stands for Linux Appliance Construction Kit. LACK is a set of scripts written in Perl and Bash that will take an existing Linux installation, and build minimized "packages" that can then be used on "embedded-style" systems, i.e. systems that boot off of CD-ROM/USB/Network, and run completely in RAM.

Where's all of the "recipe" files?

This repository has multiple branches in Git, one branch per supported Linux distribution, version and architecture. For example, Debian currently has two supported versions, Squeeze and Wheezy, in 32-bit and 64-bit flavours.

To access a given distro, version, and architecture, just check out the Git branch that holds the files you want to work with;

git checkout squeeze-i386
git checkout squeeze-amd64
git checkout wheezy-i386
git checkout wheezy-amd64

Current Supported Distributions/Versions/Architectures

  • Debian Squeeze
    • 32-bit (i386)
    • 64-bit (amd64)
  • Debian Wheezy
    • 32-bit (i386)
    • 64-bit (amd64)

Other LACK-related Projects

  • Main Project
    • Contains scripts to be used with the initramfs image, tools scripts, sample config files from /etc, sample dialog menu scripts, and sample config files for use with the web server thttpd.
  • Documentation
  • Projects
    • Sample projects that are used with LACK; these projects should "always" build
  • Recipes (This project)
    • Recipes are lists of files, formatted to be used with the gen_init_cpio binary that's built inside the Linux kernel whenever you build a Linux kernel. gen_init_cpio is used to build initramfs images, the RAM disk that Linux loads into memory after the kernel itself finishes initializing.

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