
Doom WAD indexing/cataloging tools

Primary LanguagePerl

WAD Tools

A bunch of tools that interact with WAD files from the games Doom/Doom II/Heretic/Hexen/Strife and others.

There's also tools that will interact with the Doomworld idGames Archive (http://www.doomworld.com/idgames), a web front end with extra functionality (ratings, searching, and more) on top of the idGames Archive FTP/HTTP service via the idGames Archive API.

What's in this repo?


The Perl distribution App::WADTools is a set of tools that will index/catalog WAD files stored on the local machine, as well as query the idGames Archive API and download different records from the serivce into a local database file.

The local database files are SQLite files that are generated from INI files using a specific format.

Scripts included with this distribution:


  • Queries the idGames Archive API starting at file ID #1, and up to the latest entry in the idGames Archive


  • Creates the SQLite database files, which can be used with idgames_archive_db_dump


  • Creates an index and/or a catalog of files in a local copy of the idGames Archive. An index is a mapping of WAD levels to files in the local copy of idGames Archive, whereas a catalog is a complete listing of resources used in a WAD file, including vertexes, sectors, textures, sprites and audio.

scripts Directory


Runs through a local copy of the idGames Archive, and sums all of the text files located in directories known to contain WAD files. This is used to give a rough estimate of how much data would be bundled with applications that would want to keep a cached copy of the idGames Archive info to use while the application is running

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