- lab + wav (NNSVS format)
- csv + wav (DiffSinger format)
ds + wav (DiffSinger format)broken
python 3.10 was used and is recommended
please run pip install PyYAML tk tqdm requests
if you don't have these modules (the are necessary for the gui)
- your_speaker_folder's folder name will be used as spk_name so please be careful about your file naming
- colab notebook primarily uses python; thus space in file name or folder path may be invalid
- for an in-depth guide for SVS training and/or labeling, please see SVS Singing Voice Database - Tutorial
This notebook converts your data (lab + wav) to compatible format via nnsvs-db-converter
It is advised to edit your data using SlurCutter for a more refined data for your pitch model
Zip file format example:
#single speaker (lab + wav | ds + wav) your_zip.zip: | | your_speaker_folder: | | data_1.wav data_1.lab (or.ds) . data_2.wav data_2.lab (or.ds) . data_3.wav data_3.lab (or.ds) . ...
#single speaker (csv + wav) your_zip.zip: | | your_speaker_folder: | | wavs (folder named "wavs" containing all the wavs) . transcriptions.csv
#multi speaker (lab + wav | ds + wav) your_zip.zip: | | your_speaker_folder_1: | | data_1.wav data_1.lab (or.ds) . data_2.wav data_2.lab (or.ds) . data_3.wav data_3.lab (or.ds) . ... your_speaker_folder_2: | | data_1.wav data_1.lab (or.ds) . data_2.wav data_2.lab (or.ds) . data_3.wav data_3.lab (or.ds) . ...
#multi speaker (csv + wav) your_zip.zip: | | your_speaker_folder_1: | | wavs (folder named "wavs" containing all the wavs) . transcriptions.csv your_speaker_folder_2: | | wavs (folder named "wavs" containing all the wavs) . transcriptions.csv
- [script] add onnx exporter to ds_gui.py
- [jupyter] overhaul ou build section
- [jupyter] make NSF-HiFiGAN vocoder training notebook
openvpi for DiffSinger fork and more
UtaUtaUtau for nnsvs-db-converter
Kei for the original notebook
MLo7 for the notebook edit
PixPrucer for an in-depth SVS guide
haru0l for the base pretrain with embeds
Wow you made it to the very bottom.... Why though lmao hahahahhshahhasdksajidhasjl
Feel free to suggest or ask any question via discord my user display name is MLo7 and my user name is ghin_mlo7