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🐯✨ Welcome to the official repository of DiffSinger Voice Library "TIGER"! 🐯✨
Tiger is a singer utilizing the DiffSinger engine on OpenUTAU! Tiger can sing in English, and has support for other languages like Spanish, Japanese and can even synthesize convincing PT-BR and probably more! You will be able to find all of the information you need to install and use Tiger on this page.
🐯 | ✨ |
DiffSinger Model for OpenUTAU | DOWNLOAD |
For more information on utilizing Tiger's database in OpenUTAU, please refer to the wiki page on this repo.
Please read and ensure you agree to the terms outlined in this LICENSE before downloading and generating audio with Tiger.
Tiger's DiffSinger models (Acoustic/Variance/Duration/Pitch) are licensed together as a package under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 & Commons Clause License. Any general, non-commercial or personal usage of Tiger's DS models can be used free of charge so long as the character usage TOS is followed, but the purchase of a license is required if the desire to use Tiger's model for profit is desired. The license also does not permit redistribution or creations of derivatives. Please ensure you've fully read through the license before using Tiger!