500 server error while trying to add blocks on multisite, when editing an entry in the embedded sidepanel editor.
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Bug Description
I have a multisite set up. When I edit an entry, and open the side panel editor, to allow me to edit the content of other pages, it creates a 500 error when I try and add a new Neo block. This only happens on the secondary site, not the primary site.
I get the following error in my craft logs and a Request failed with status code 500
in craft:
2024-09-10 10:34:05 [web.ERROR] [TypeError] craft\services\Elements::canCreateDrafts(): Argument #1 ($element) must be of type craft\base\ElementInterface, null given, called in /public_html/vendor/spicyweb/craft-neo/src/controllers/Input.php on line 130
Steps to reproduce
Create a multisite, with Site A as your primary site.
Go to Site B entries.
Add a new entry in site B.
Add a link to another entry in site B.
Double click that entry to open the side panel editor overlay.
Try and add a Neo block to this new page in the side panel editor.
Expected behaviour
No response
Neo version
Craft CMS version
PRO 4.12.1
What is the affected Neo field's propagation method?
Save blocks to all sites the owner element is saved in
Does this issue involve templating, and if so, is eager-loading used?
This is not a templating issue
Thanks for reporting that - fixed now in 4.2.13 and 5.2.6.