- 7
Adding new blocks throws "There was a problem getting the previous element." Error
#967 opened by r-anwar - 3
Conditional fields based on parent block values don't hide until draft save
#946 opened by TheFunkyMonk - 2
[5.2.18] Settings -> User Condition "Admin" not working
#971 opened by mfell - 1
Block visibility conditions based on custom fields only available after adding first condition
#970 opened by TheFunkyMonk - 6
[5.x] Child blocks disappearing/popping out of parent blocks, especially on cloned or copy/pasted blocks
#964 opened by TheFunkyMonk - 8
[5.2.15] Cloned block not available in template
#961 opened by mfell - 4
Request failed with status code 500
#969 opened by Kristomen - 4
- 2
- 2
craft v4 to v5 migration: Exception: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'db.neoblocks_owners' doesn't exist
#968 opened by joepagan - 3
JS error in the control panel when adding a new NEO block that contains a native Link field
#963 opened by nikolenko-dmitriy - 1
- 3
Craft 5 upgrade owners table migration failed
#955 opened by ttempleton - 2
- 10
- 19
[Craft 5] If I miss a required field while saving a old entry, the Entry structure breaks
#929 opened by AleksanderKampus1 - 8
- 6
*** failed to apply m240224_024030_migrate_owners_table (time: 0.232s) while migrating craft/neo 4 -> craft/neo 5
#949 opened by Zae - 1
- 1
yii\base\InvalidArgumentException Cannot create a draft from another draft or revision.
#952 opened by xinnings - 2
- 2
[Craft 4] Two adjacent Neo block lists randomly merged their content/child blocks together
#951 opened by ericdrosas87 - 3
Child blocks get jumbled when moving around blocks with autosaveDrafts = false
#941 opened by ajoliveau - 3
Invalid field handle of the matrix field when updating search indexes
#947 opened by nikolenko-dmitriy - 1
Neo blocks become unusable
#948 opened by ishetnogferre - 1
- 1
"Calling unknown method" error when a matrix block doesn't have a field.
#945 opened by MargaritaBusyginaCa - 1
500 server error while trying to add blocks on multisite, when editing an entry in the embedded sidepanel editor.
#942 opened by jamiepepper - 5
- 0
Custom validation
#940 opened by lineke - 7
Content block deleted
#939 opened by NeleDeBruycker - 9
Nesting Blocks disappear after saving.
#927 opened by DavidKabelitz - 0
Some Block Picker UI suggestions
#938 opened by proimage - 7
- 2
[Craft 5] Neo Block Conditions for fields/tabs in field layouts of of block types are not working
#932 opened by Odobros - 5
- 4
Neo Field Hierarchy Lost When Moving Entries Between Sections in Craft 5.3
#930 opened by alexanderbuergin - 2
CP UI Issue with Paddings/Lines
#933 opened by superflausch - 0
- 2
Problem with Neo draft behavior
#925 opened by stefangallas - 0
- 1
Newly added blocks are not expanded
#928 opened by erikberger - 1
- 0
- 7
- 3
New version of Craft CMS breaks NEO
#922 opened by philippe-leeroy - 1
[5.x] Invalid field handle error when switching from an entry type with Neo field(s) to one without
#920 opened by ch-turnstyle - 2
Issue with Content Loss When Migrating Neo Blocks to CraftCMS Entry Types
#921 opened by alexanderbuergin - 3
Installing Neo 5.1.2 fails on CraftCMS 5
#919 opened by mike-niemand - 1