
Hive,Pig,Hbase,Sqoop examples

Primary LanguageJava

In this blog you will find some basic concepts on Hive,Pig,Hbase and Sqoop.

#Hive: In this folder you will find the below concepts using Hive.

1.Creating Managed,External tables.
2.Loading data from Local,HDFS in to Hive tables.
3.Difference between Hive Managed tables vs External tables ?
4.Creating tables using Complex Data types.
5.Hive Joins (Inner,Left Outer,Right Outer,Full Outer joins).
6.Creating Hive Indexes.
7.Hive Partitioning.
8.Loading data from Hbase to Hive tables.
9.Creating Hive UDF's (Simple UDF, GenericUDF).

In this folder you will find the below concepts using Hive.

1.Running Pig in two modes(Local,HDFS).
2.Loading,Storing data.
3.Ways to access the fields in two ways.
4.Word Count Example using Pig Script.
5.Word Count Example using Hive Script.
6.UDF in PIG.

In this folder you will find the below concepts using Hbase.
1.Creating tables in Hbase.
2.Inserting data,getting data,deleting data,adding column,deleting all/single column on Hbase tables.
3.Java Client API to perform all CRUD operations on Hbase.
4.Loading data in to Hbase using Pig.
5.Loading Bulk data in to HBase from Text,CSV file using Java Client API.
6.HBase Hive integration – Querying HBase via Hive.

#Sqoop : In this folder you will find the below concepts using Sqoop.
1.Importing data from RDBMS to HDFS.
2.Exporting data from HDFS to RDBMS .
3.Importing Data into Hive with Sqoop from MySql.
4.Import data from RDBMS to HBase using Sqoop.