api folder - rails app app folder - react app
To use api you need to
get bluemix api key for insights in twitter and place it in .env in /api in following format to be subsituted by your particulars: username='...' password='...'
bundle install
rake db:setup/migrate
execute database_dump as follows: pg_restore --dbname=api_development --no-owner --create data.dump
- Download latest postgresql then run following in a tab: postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
- brew install redis then redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf in a separate tab then rake resque:work QUEUE='*' in a separate tab
There are in total three routes that can be leveraged in following format: /immediate/search?q=donald%20trump&stats=by_minutes:10&hours=3 -Relays immediately to watson without checking the database -aggregates in intervals of 10 minutes
/cached/search?q=donald%20trump&stats=by_hours:1&hours=3 -Check the database only for the query -Aggregates in this case in intervals of 1 hour
/gradual/search?q=donald%20trump&hours=50 -Check the database to see what is missing -Whatever is missing, launch background job to mine the data from watson
-This is not fully functional as yet. -Is supposed to provide meta data for amount of results -The actual results are directly cached to the database and to be obtained from the route: /cached/search where you repeat the original search -stats param has no meaning here but is not going to invalidate the query