React Animal Farm

Use this app as a template for your deliverable!

Learning Objectives

  • Use className attribute to set styles versus style = {{ background: 'magenta' }}
  • Display images in a React app
  • Use attributes in parent components to pass data down to child components as props
  • Use {} as "portals" in the render method to do JavaScript inside our HTML
  • Use .map to iterate over an array and render new elements for each item in an array
  • Use jsx to produce & render a React component
  • Use Netlify to deploy a React app


Welcome to the Alchemy Farm! For this deliverable, you will practice creating functional components, mapping through lists and rendering a component for each item.

There is a list of animals provided for you in data.js, as well as an empty <Main /> component and an empty <Animal /> component. You need to add the code to display the animals by mapping through the list provided and rendering an <Animal /> component for each animal. The final product should look like this:

Acceptance Criteria

  • <Main /> should import background.png and set it as a background image on the <main> element
  • <Main /> component should use a .map to loop through and render an <Animal /> component for each animal listed in data.js
  • Animals should be positioned dynamically using the style attribute in JSX and props
  • should utlize the existing classes in Animal.css
  • App should be deployed on Netlify


Task Points
Main branch deployed to Netlify 0.5
Open PR from dev branch with Netlify deploy preview 0.5
Uses a .map to render <Animal /> component for each animal in data.js 3
Properly passes props to <Animal /> 3
Dynamically sets the style attribute in JSX to position the animals 2
Utilizes existing classes to properly display animals 1

Stretch Idea

  • Find some audio sounds of farm animals and research how to add click handlers to elements in React - play the sound on click

Image Attribution

Background Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay