Making a List of Blogs

Getting Started

Use this repository as a template for this deliverable. Environment variables have been provided for you because we will all be using the same supabase database. Remove the .example from .env.development.local.example and .env.test.local.example

Managing Environment Variables

Learning Objectives

  • Use useEffect hook with a dependency array to retrieve data when a component first mounts
  • Use useState to manage component state
  • Use custom hooks to bundle together multiple useState & useEffect calls
  • Use the Supabase Javascript client to retrieve data from a database
  • Use the network tab to examine (and debug) the request being sent to a server and the response received from a server
  • Use the async/await pattern to make our asynchronous code easier to read


For this deliverable, you will be using supabase to retrieve a list of blogs from an existing database. The table has the following schema:

id int - primary key
author_id int - foreign key
created_at date
title varchar
subtitle varchar
text varchar
image. varchar

It will end up looking like this:

Acceptance Criteria

  • A user should see a list of blog posts when they load the page
  • There should be a function called getBlogs in the services layer which calls Supabase and returns all the columns from the blogs table
  • There should be a custom hook called useBlogs which returns the list of blogs
  • useBlogs hook should have a state variable called blogs that defaults to an empty array
  • useBlogs hook should have a useEffect hook to call getBlogs from the services layer asynchronously and then set the returned data in state
  • There should be a component called <Main> which uses the useBlogs hook to get the list of blogs
  • Main component should map through each item in blogs and create a <BlogCard> component for each blog item
  • All tests should pass


Task Points
getBlogs function in services folder calls Supabase and retrieves the list of blog posts 2
blogs state variable created using useState with the proper default in useBlogs hook 2
useEffect in useBlogs hook correctly calls supabase when the component is first mounted 2
each blog is correctly rendered using the BlogCard component 2
All tests are passing 2

Stretch Goal (worth up to 1 additional points)

  • The blogs table has a foreign key relationship to a table called authors update the BlogCard to include the author's name by including author in the supabase call