
sub[turing]fuge, a multiplayer browser-based party game about discovering which of your friends are robots

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A multiplayer browser-based party game about discovering which of your friends are robots


link to figma

Make a plan of attack

HTML elements (stuff present upon page load)


- title of game
- host game link
- join game link
- settings (dummied out)
- about/credits
- how to play
- logout link

Game Page (for both host and client, differences in ui are handled in JS)

- header with game title, controls for host
- section for displaying game ui, likely just a `<section>` split into columns using css grid

Settings Page

- header with game title, link to menu
- settings name column
- settings interface column


- header with game title, link to main menu
- three little avatars for each dev, small bio section, links to githubs/whatever else
- also an about entry for GPT-3


- custom header styling, otherwise default
- link to how to play/about pages

How to play

- header w/game title, link to main menu
- info on how to play figure it out dude

State (everything you need to track internally using JS variables)


- settings???

Game Page

- `timer` - variable to store and be decremented for timer mode

Events (anything that happens via JS when the user interacts with your site)

Game Page

- on page load:
    - determine if host based on URL param
    - if host, drop into game settings screen (num of rounds, set room code, etc)
    - if client, drop into "enter room code" and set username menu

For client

- on submit room code
    - add row for client with game id to responses table
    - retrieve game data from supabase, listen for new people added to lobby, display on screen
    - open "submit prompts" interface
    - wait for host to start game (game status column changes to `running`)

- on game state updates to "prompts":
    - open prompt answering ui w/submit button
    - when clients submit: create/update row in response table

- on game state updates to "guessing":
    - update ui to voting screen
    - when submitting votes: update player's row in response table

- on game state updates to "reveal":
    - update ui to reveal screen
    - update scoreboard

- on game state updates to "over":
    - update ui to display only scoreboard, link to main page

- on game status updates to "aborted":
    - update ui to "game ended by host" screen, link back to main menu

For host

- on open lobby:
    - same as client lobby interface, but with button to start game
    - create row in game table
    - can also submit prompts on this screen

- on start game:
    - continue as client with extra controls

Functions (to plan out how you'll segment things)

  • it's not necessary to specify all args! when starting out, you're just trying to figure out how you're going to segment your work
  • but! make sure to put your render and display functions here!! that's part of segementing out your program logic!!
    • that also keeps your event listeners clean because it'll be mostly function calls


  • calculateTripTime(distance) - calculates trip time based on total trip distance

Render Functions

Display functions

Fetch Functions (if applicable)

Other Functions